JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
fuch particular part or diftrict; to eftablifh and regulate guagers, and their fees,
and the fees of all the corporation officers; to licenfe and regulate brokers, fedan
chairs, hackney coaches, or other carriages kept for hire, and employed within
the city, and alfo draymen, waggoners, carters, porters and men, refiding
and employed within the faid city, with powers to make all neceffary regulations
refpecting the fame; to direct in. future in what parts of the city buildings of
wood fhall not be erected; to erect and provide magazines for the ftorage of all
gunpowder brought to the city, or precincts, and to compel the fame, to be
ftored in faid magazines, and to regulate the price, of faid ftorage; to prevent
the ftorage of naval ftores, or other combuftible matter, in fuch quantities or
places within the city, or precincts, as may be deemed dangerous to the fafety of
the fame; to erect or build houfes of correction, hofpitals or peft-houfes, within
or without the city, if neceffary, and to pafs all ordinances for the government
of the fame; to make a new affeffment of all real and perfonal property as often,
as it may be neceffary; to punifh corporally any fervant or flave guilty of a
breach of any ordinance, unlefs the matter or miftrefs pay the fine annexed to
the offence; to prevent the making new docks or canals without the confent of
the corporation; and to add to the city any of the adjoining lands, on the ap-
plication, and with the confent, of the owners, and to lay off the neceffary
ftreets, lanes and alleys, through the fame, giving them the rights and privileges,
and fubjecting them to the laws and ordinances, of the city.
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That an act of affembly, entitled, An act to erect
Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, into a city, and to incorporate the in-
habitants thereof, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred ninety-fix,
with this fupplement, fhall be, and are hereby enacted and declared to be, per-
petual, except where altered by this act; and that all acts and ordinances paffed,
or to be paffed, by and under the authority of the fame, are hereby enacted and
declared to be good and valid, to all intents and purpofes whatfoever.
Act declared
C H A P. LV.
An ACT for the adjournment of Baltimore county court.
WHEREAS Baltimore September county court ftood adjourned till the
firft Monday in January, and perfons having bufinefs in faid court
are members of the general affembly, and obliged to attend their duty
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all caufes,
pleas, procefs and proceedings, now depending and returnable to the faid Sep-
tember court, fhall be and are by virtue of this act adjourned and continued to
the firft Monday in April next; and that all the faid caufes, pleas, procefs and
proceedings, in the faid court, now depending and returnable to the faid Sep-
tember court, fhall be in the fame ftate and condition as they would be in on the
faid firft Monday in January, any thing to the contrary notwithstanding.
Caufes, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate George-
town, in Montgomery county.
WHEREAS, the citizens of George-town have, by their petition to this
affembly, let forth, that they fuftain many inconveniencies
from the want of proper powers in faid corporation to pafs laws to
reftrain the mifchiefs arifing from vagrants, loofe and diforderly perfons, free
negroes, and perfons having no vifible means of fupport, and for the want of
other powers for the doe government of the affairs of the faid town; therefore.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the mayor,
recorder, aldermen and common council, of George-town, be and they are here-
by authorifed and empowered to pafs, make and ordain, all laws neceffary to
take up, fine, imprifon or punifh, any and all vagrants, loofe and diforderly
perfons, and perfons having no vifible means of fupport, that may be found
Mayor, &c,
to pafs laws,