L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
or death, until the appointment of another minifter, fhall have all the authority
and privileges of a president,
How vacan-
cies are to be
XI. And be it enacted, That in cafe of the death, refignation or difqualifica-
tion, of any elder or truftee, the body corporate fhall, without delay, proceed to
the election of another perfon in his place, whereof due notice fhall be given by
the prefident to the members of the corporation.
Prefident to
XII. And be it enacted, That at a reafonable time before each and every elec-
tion the prefident fhall nominate and appoint three perfons to be the judges
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
A Supplement to the act refpecting certificates of furveys made on
the eaftern fhore.
WHEREAS it is found that the fees allowed by law to the examiner of
the eaftern fhore are incompetent to his fupport, and policy and juf-
tice require that the officers of the ftate fhould receive an adequate
compenfation for the dedication of their labour and talents to the public fervice,
Examiner to
account, &c.
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the examiner
of the eaftern fhore, from and after the paffage of this act, fhall account every
fix months, on oath, with the treafurer of the eaftern fhore, for all fees of his
office by him received, or which may be due to him; and that the faid treafurer,
upon a liquidation of the faid account, fhall pay to the faid examiner, out of
any unappropriated money, fuch fum as, together with the faid account of fees,
fhall make up a femi-annual falary of one hundred pounds current money.
III. This act to continue and be in force until the twentieth day of October,
one thoufand eight hundred, and to the end of the next feffion of affembly that
fhall happen thereafter.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
A Supplement to; the act, entitled, An act to erect Baltimore-
town, in Baltimore county, into a city, and to incorporate the
Inhabitants thereof.
When electi-
ons are to be
held, &c.
Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the next election
for members of the firft branch of the city council fhall be held on the
third Monday in January, feventeen hundred and ninety-eight, and that
the election next thereafter fhall be held on the firft Monday of October in the
fame year, and that every fucceeding election for members of the firft branch of
the city council fhall be held on the firft Monday in October in each and every
year for ever thereafter; that the next election for electors of the mayor, and of
the members of the fecond branch of the city council, fhall be held on the firft
Monday in October, in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-eight, and every
fucceeding election for electors of the mayor, and of the members of the fecond
branch of the city council, fhall be held on the firft Monday in October in every
fecond year thereafter; and that the faid electors of the mayor, and of the mem-
bers of the fecond branch of the city council, fhall meet on the firft Monday in
November, in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-eight, and on the firft
Monday, in November every fecond year thereafter, for the purpofe of electing
a mayor, and members of the fecond branch of the city council, any thing in
the original act to which this is a fupplement to the contrary notwithftanding.
II. And be it enacted, That the corporation aforefaid fhall have full power
and authority to enact and pafs all ordinances neceffary for paving and keeping in
repair the ftreets, lanes and alleys, in the city aforefaid; to make and keep in
repair all neceffary drains and fewers, as well in the city as precincts; to tax any
particular part or diftrict of the city for paving the ftreets, lanes or alleys therein,
or for finking wells, or erecting pumps, which may appear for the benefit of