II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the treafurer
of the weftern fhore fhall and he is hereby authorifed and required to pay the
feveral perfons, their executors, administrators, affigns or orders, or to fuch of
them as fhall offer to receive the fame, the feveral fums of current money allowed
to them refpectively, as they appear to be fettled and afcertained by the faid
journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treafury, or that fhall come
into the treafury, fubject to the appropriation of the general affembly.
RESOLUTIONS affented to November Seffion, 1797.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requeued to procure annually twenty-two
copies of the laws of congrefs for the ufe of the feveral courts of law and equity in this
ftate, one copy whereof fhall be tranfmitted to the regifter in chancery, one to the clerks
of the general court for the weftern and eaftern fhores refpectively, and one to the clerk of
each county court; and that the governor and council be and they are hereby authorifed to draw on
the treafurer for as much money as will be fufficient to defray the expence of the fame.
RESOLVED, That Mr. George Murdock, Mr. Valentine Brother and Philip Thomas, or any two
of them, be authorifed, and they or any two of them are hereby authorifed and empowered, to purchafe
an eftate, in fee-fimple, for the ufe of this ftate, in ten acres of land in Frederick county, on which
certain ftone barracks are erected, and which ten acres of land have been furveyed and laid off by
Samuel Duvall, Purveyor of faid county; provided, that net more than three hundred pounds current
money be given for the fame,
RESOLVED, That the governor of this ftate be and he is hereby authorifed and requeued to fend
to the executive of the different ftates refpectively an edition of Bacon's laws, Hanfon's laws, and the
laws fince that period, neatly bound, accompanied by a letter, expreffing the fenfe of the legiflature as
to the propriety and utility of an interchange of laws.
RESOLVED, That the eighth day of December next be appointed to choofe one fenator to reprefent
this ftate in the fenate of the United States, to be a refident of the eaftern fhore, and the perfon having
a majority of votes of all the attending members of both houfes, be declared to be duly elected to repre-
fent this ftate in the fenate of the United States for the remainder of the term for which John Henry,
Efquire, was elected, agreeably to the conftitution of the United States; and that a commiffion iffue to
the faid fenator, appointed as aforefaid, figned by the governor for the time being, or in his abfence by
the prefiding member of the council, in the following words, to wit: To —————— . The legiflature
of Maryland repofing efpecial confidence in your integrity and abilities, hath appointed you fenator to
reprefent this ftate in the fenate of the United States for the remainder of the term for which John
Henry, Efquire, was elected, agreeably to the constitution of the United States. Given under my hand,
and the feal of this ftate, anno domini ———— .
RESOLVED, That this ftate will loan, for the ufe of the city of Wafhintgton, the fum of one hun-
dred thoufand dollars, agreeably to the requeft made by the commiffioners of the faid city under the au-
thority given by the prefident of the United States to them, conformably to the act of the congrefs of
the United States.
RESOLVED, That the faid loan be paid in fix per cent, ftock of the United States bearing an imme-
diate intereft of fix per cent; at par, which fum the truftee of this ftate is authorifed to transfer to the
faid commiffioners; provided, to fecure the repayment of the fame, with intereft, at the time
the manner prefcribed by the act of congrefs, entitled. An act authorising a loan for the ufe of
of Wafhington, in the diftrict of Columbia, and for other purpofes therein mentioned, Guftavus
William Thornton and Alexander White, of a majority of them, give bond to the ftate of Maryland,
conditioned for the payment of one hundred thoufand dollars, and punctual payment of fix per cent,
interest of the faid fum of one hundred thoufand dollars quarterly, and on the feveral days on which in-
Treafurer to
pay, &c.