L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
fubmitted on prefentment, in Baltimore county court, and faid court may pafs
judgment in the fame manner that any county court may againft any criminal
convicted before them; and the fheriff of Baltimore county fhall hereafter fum-
mon both grand and petit jurors to attend the faid county courts, in the fame
manner as is done in other counties of this ftate, any thing in the twenty-eighth
fection of the act, entitled, An act for the more effectual punifhment of crimi-
nals, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, or in any
other law, to the contrary notwithftanding; and all felonies, crimes and mifde-
meanors, triable in the county courts of this ftate, and committed in the body of
Baltimore county, may and fhall be tried, or fubmitted on prefentment, in Bal-
timore county court, at their half yearly fittings for the tranfaction of the civil
bufinefs of the faid county; and all mifdemeanors and offences triable before a
fingle juftice of the peace may, as heretofore, be tried before any juftice of the
peace of the faid county, and the offender, if guilty, punifhed as the law directs ;
provided always, that nothing herein fhall be conftrued to leffen or impair the
jurifdiction of the general court in any criminal matter wherein the faid jurifdic-
tion is concurrent with that of the county courts of this ftate.
City court
may order
criminals to
be delivered,
ments, &c, to
be returned,
VIII. And be it enacted, That Baltimore city court may order any criminal
convicted and adjudged to work on the public highways under the faid act for
the more effectual punifhment of criminals, to be delivered to the perfon or per-
fons appointed to take care of the criminals by Baltimore county court, and the
faid perfon or perfons are hereby directed to receive, work and treat, fuch cri-
minal, in the fame manner as criminals convicted in Baltimore county court.
IX. and be it enacted, That all commitments and recognizances taken for
felonies, and other crimes and mifdemeanors, committed in Baltimore county,
fhall be refpectively returned to the court which, agreeably to this law, fhall
have jurifdiction over the place where the faid crime was committed, and any
juftice taking fuch recognizance fhall lodge the fame with the clerk of faid court
on the day next before the day appointed for the holding faid court to which it
fhall be returned, and the offender and witneffes bound in fuch recognizance fhall
be obliged to appear by virtue and according to the condition thereof.
Actions tranf-
ferred, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That all criminal actions which fhall be depending in
Baltimore court at January term, feventeen hundred and ninety-eight, and not
determined during faid term, fhall be refpectively transferred and entered on the
Baltimore county and Baltimore city court dockets, according to their refpective
jurifdictions, the faid dockets to be made out and tranfmitted to the faid courts,
at their firft meeting refpectively hereafter, and the faid actions fhall be tried
therein as fully and effectually, and judgment pronounced and executed, as if
the faid actions had been tried in Baltimore county criminal court, any thing in
this law to the contrary notwithftanding.
County court
to fit in the
city, &c.
XL And be it enacted, That Baltimore county court fhall fit in the city of
Baltimore on the firft Monday in April and September in each year, for the
tranfaction of civil and criminal bufinefs, and with the fame powers with refpect
to the cognizance of criminal offences committed within the county, and with-
out the limits of the faid city, and precincts, as are at this time exercifed under
any exifting law by the court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Balti-
more county, or by any of the county courts of this ftate.
Expences to
be a common
XII. And be it enacted, That all expences incurred in the execution of this
act fhall be a common charge on the city and county of Baltimore, and levied as
heretofore by the juftices of the levy court of faid county.
XII. And, whereas by divers acts of affembly the juftices of the county courts
are authorifed and enjoined to do fundry matters and things at the county
to be held in certain months in the faid acts mentioned, and there being an al-
When certain
matters are to
be done.
teration of the time of holding faid courts by this act, Be it enacted, That in
all cafes where the courts are by this act directed to be held in different months