J O H N H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in all cafes
where any fheriff hath not, or fhall not have fully executed the truft repofed in
him in virtue of the act to which this is a fupplement, during his continuance
in office, that all the rights, power and authority, vefted in fuch fheriff by the
faid act, fhall be and are hereby transferred to and vefted in his fucceffor in office,
who fhall have full power and authority to complete the faid truft.
C H A P.
Rights, &c.
III. And be if enacted, That it fhall he the duty of the fheriff to whom fuch
infolvent debtor fhall have conveyed his property, and in cafe of his death of his
executors or adminiftrators, to account with fuch fucceeding fheriff for all fums
of money or tobacco by him received in purfuance of the truft repofed in him by
the faid act, and the fame, after the fees and commiffion due to the faid fheriff
fhall have been deducted, to pay over to fuch fucceeding fheriff, who fhall, have
full power and authority, in cafe the fame fhall not be paid to him upon demand,
in his own name to inftitute an action for the recovery thereof againft the faid
fheriff his executors or adminiftrators.
Sheriff to ac-
count, &c.
An ACT to alter fuch parts of the declaration or rights, the con-
ftitution and form of government, as prevent perfons confcien-
tioufly fcrupulous of taking an oath from being witneffes in all
WHEREAS perfons confcientioufly fcrupulous
under many and great inconveniencies, owing to their not be
mitted to make their folemn affirmation as witneffes in all
ftead of an oath; therefore,
Paffed Janua-
ry 21.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the people
called Quakers, thofe called Nicolites or New Quakers, thofe called Tunkers,
and thofe called Menonifts, holding it unlawful to take an oath on any occafion,
fhall be allowed to make their folemn affirmation as witneffes, in the manner
that quakers have been heretofore allowed to affirm, which affirmation fhall be
of the fame avail as an oath, to all intents and purpofes whatever.
Quakers, &c.
allowed to af-
firm, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That before, any of the perfons aforefaid fhall be ad-
mitted as a witnefs in any court of juftice in this ftate, the court fhall be fatis-
fied, by fuch teftimony as they may require, that fuch perfon is one of thofe
who profefs to be confcientioufly fcrupulous of taking an oath.
Court to be
firft fatisfied,
IV. And be it enacted, That if this act fhall be confirmed by the general af-
fembly, after the next, election of the delegates in the firft feffion after fuch new
election, as the conftitution and form of government directs, that in fuch cafe
this act, and the alterations and amendment of the conftitution and form of go-
vernment therein contained, fhall be taken and confidered, and fhall conftitute
and be valid, as part of the faid conftitution and form of government, to all in-
tents and purpofes, any thing in the faid declaration of rights, conftitution and
form of government contained, to the contrary notwithstanding,
If confirmed,
to be a part of
the conftitu-
V. And be it enacted, That the feveral claufes and fections of the declaration
of rights, conftitution and form of government, contrary to the provifions of
this act, fo far as they refpect either of the fects or focieties aforefaid, fhall be
and are hereby declared to be repealed and annulled, on the confirmation hereof.
Claufes, &c.
An ACT to relinquihfh the right of this ftate to the lands therein
referred to.
Paffed Janua-
ry 21.
WHEREAS many of the citizens of this ftate have, before the fourth
day of July, feventeen hundred and feventy-fix, acquired rights in
certain real eftates, in confequence of judgment of condemnation