LAWS of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
Or remain in
force, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That no caveat hereafter entered in either of the land-
offices of this ftate fhall remain in force and operation longer than twelve months
from the entering thereof, unlefs under the fpecial circumftances the chancellor,
or judge of the land-office on the eaftern fhore, us the cafe may be, fhall fo
order and direct.
To be
brought to
iffue, &c.
XI. And be it enacted, That all caveats already entered in either of the faid
offices fhall be brought to iffue by fubpoena, or order of the chancellor, or judge
of the land-office, on the application of the party, or by fubmiffion, on or be-
fore the firft day of January, eighteen hundred, unlefs under the fpecial circum-
ftances the faid chancellor, or judge of the land-office, fhall order a continuance;
and after the expiration of the time limitted and expreffed in this act, or by the
order of the chancellor, or judge of the land-office, the faid caveats, in either
cafe before mentioned, fhall be wholly difcontinued, and the ordinary proceed-
ings had as if no fuch caveat exifted.
Paffed Janua-
ry 21.
An ACT to enable the corporation of the city of Annapolis to
lay a tax on property within the faid city, and the precincts
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the annual
ordinary expences of the corporation of the city of Annapolis, for
the fupport of the mayor's court and its proper officers, and the ne-
ceffary charge of repairing the ftreets, require confiderable fums of money, and
the funds belonging to the faid city are very trivial, and greatly inadequate to the
annual expences thereof ;
to lay a tax,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the corporation
of the faid city of Annapolis, and their fucceffors, be and they are hereby au-
thorifed to lay a tax, not exceeding two fhillings and fix-pence in any one year
for every hundred pounds of property within the faid city, and the precincts
thereof, as the faid corporation may think proper.
III. This act to continue and be in force till the firft day of November, in
the year eighteen hundred, and till the end of the next feffion of affembly that
fhall happen thereafter.
Paffed Janua-
ry 21.
Several acts
An ACT to continue the feveral acts of affembly therein referred to.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all and every
the acts of affembly of this ftate, which would ceafe and expire with this
feffion, be and the fame are hereby continued until the firft day of No-
vember next, and until the end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall hap-
pen thereafter, except fuch laws, or parts of laws, as are repealed by any act or
acts paffed during this feffion of affembly.
Paffed Janua-
ry 21.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief of infol-
vent debtors, paffed at March feffion, one thoufand feven hun-
dred and feventy-four.
WHEREAS the fheriff for the time being, on the releafement of any
infolvent debtor under the provifions of the act to which this is a
fupplement, is made the truftee for the benefit of the creditors of
fuch infolvent debtor, and all the real and perfonal property, and all caufes of
action, of fuch debtor, at the time of his or her releafement, are vefted by the
faid act in fuch fheriff, and no provifion is made for the completion of the truft
in cafe it fhall not have been fully executed by fuch fheriff during his continuance
in office.