House Bill No. 35—State Bonds for Baltimore City Jail
AN ACT to authorize the creation of a State debt, in the aggregate
amount of One Million, Sixty-five Thousand Dollars ($1, 065, 000. 00),
for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a temporary
boiler house, a security fence and private dial system, a new boiler
house, and the renovation of the main building, together with
related demolition work, site work, construction of utility con-
duits, architects' fees and engineers' fees where applicable, at
the Baltimore City Jail, Baltimore, Maryland, and providing
generally for the issuance and sale of certificates of indebtedness
evidencing such loan.
April 5, 1962.
Honorable Perry O. Wilkinson
Speaker of the House
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
I am advised that as a result of a Constitutional Amendment that
was approved by the voters of Maryland in 1960, I am not required
to return to the Legislature the Bills that were passed by the 1962
General Assembly and subsequently vetoed by me.
However, as a matter of courtesy and in an effort to be of as much
assistance as possible to you and the members of your Legislative
Body, I am making available to you all veto messages that were
signed by me following the 1962 Session of the General Assembly.
I have today vetoed House Bill No. 35. This particular Bill was
designed to appropriate One Million Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars
($1, 065, 000. 00) to be used for improvements on the Baltimore
City Jail. Senate Bill No. 29 was identical to this Bill and has
already been signed by me. Consequently, I deem it unnecessary to
place my signature on House Bill No. 35.
With kindest personal regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
House Bill No. 64—Jurisdiction in Suits Against Uninsured Motorists
AN ACT to add new Section 115A (j) to Article 66 1/2 of the An-
notated Code of Maryland (1961 Supplement), title "Motor
Vehicles", sub-title "Civil Liability", to follow immediately after
Section 115A (i) thereof, providing generally that in suits com-
menced against certain persons owning or operating an uninsured
motor vehicle within the State of Maryland, such persons may
be notified of the accidents against them through process of
publication and are thereby submitted to the personal jurisdic-