J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 493
Washington Regional Highway Planning Committee.
Washington National Park & Planning Commission.
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
Maryland Traffic Safety Commission.
Baltimore Regional Planning Council.
Baltimore Committee on Mass Transportation.
Metropolitan Transit Authority.
Continuing this theme, and projecting the needed coordination
to all area, s of the State, the various planning agencies of the
counties, cities and towns will be consulted and asked for their
assistance and advice in the preparation of the report material.
Also available to us, within our own organization, are the fol-
lowing reports, which contain much salvable material which would
be utilized:
210 Study—Highway Cost Allocation Study (1958)
104-B—5 Study (Interstate Study 1960)
Secondary Highway Report January 1, 1961
Twelve Year Program (1953—Yellow Book)
Supplemental Program to the Twelve Year Program (1958—Green
We therefore believe that by the above procedure, carried on to
the degree possible by members of the State Roads Commission
organization, but which of necessity must be supplemented by
consulting services separate and distinct therefrom, a sound re-
port could be presented to the 1963 session of the General Assembly.
We would hope to have it in the hands of the Legislative Council
in sufficient time prior thereto, to allow a review to be made of
all material developed. Upon the facts ascertained a decision could
then be made for any reallocation of funds felt necessary.
I think it is self-evident that such a study would encompass a
tremendous number of man hours and undoubtedly be costly. That
such a study is sorely needed, I believe is something upon which
we all will agree.
It is therefore requested that you give the consideration of your
Committee to this recommendation and, if acceptable, to advise
us so that the undertaking may get under way as soon as possible.
We would advise you of the necessity for providing the financing
for such a study, which could possibly cost $100, 000. 00.
Be assured of our continued cooperation and the expenditure of
any effort needed to bring to a fulfillment the desire for all neces-
sary information which the General Assembly of Maryland may
With kindest regards, I remain
Very truly yours,
Approved March 23, 1962.