and 12 of Article 16 of the Code, title "Chancery", sub-title "Bonds";
Sections 16 through 21, inclusive, of Article 16 of the Code, title
"Chancery", sub-title "Distribution"; Section 32 of Article 16 of the
Code, title "Chancery", sub-title "Divorce and Annulment"; Section
38 of Article 16 of the Code, title "Chancery", sub-title "Examina-
tion of Insolvents"; Section 39 of Article 16 of the Code, title "Chan-
cery", sub-title "Fraudulent Conveyances"; Section 52 of Article 16
of the Code, title "Chancery", sub-title "Infants"; Sections 73, 75,
76, 77, 81 and 85 of Article 16 of the Code, title "Chancery", sub-
title "Adoption"; Sections 89, 90, 92, 94 and 97 of Article 16 of the
Code, title "Chancery", sub-title "Injunction"; Sections 105, 122, 129
and 130 of Article 16 of the Code, title "Chancery", sub-title "Juris-
diction"; Sections 152 and 153 of Article 16 of the Code, title "Chan-
cery", sub-title "Conservators"; Sections 156, 161, 163 and 164 of
Article 16 of the Code, title "Chancery", sub-title "Sales"; Sections
170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187,
187A, 188, 189 and sub-sections (c) and (d) of Section 191 and Sec-
tions 193 and 194 of Article 16 of the Code, title "Chancery", sub-title
"Trustee"; Sections 37 and 41 of Article 17 of the Code, title
"Clerks of Courts", sub-title "General Duties of Clerks"; Section
64 of Article 21 of the Code, title "Conveyancing", sub-title "Chattel
and Crop Mortgages for Loans from Banks or Certain State or
Federal Agencies"; Section 105 of Article 21 of the Code/title "Con-
veyancing", sub-title "Miscellaneous"; Section 115 of Article 21 of
the Code, title "Conveyancing", sub-title "Land Installment Con-
tracts"; Section 194 of Article 23 of the Code, title "Corporations",
sub-title "III. Particular Classes of Corporations", sub-heading "Rail-
road Companies"; Sections 335, 336, 337 and 338 of Article 23 of the
Code, title "Corporations", sub-title "III. Particular Classes of Cor-
porations", sub-heading "Condemnation of Property by Corpora-
tions"; Section 5 of Article 26 of the Code, title "Courts", sub-title
"General Provisions"; Section 16 of Article 26 of the Code, title
"Courts", sub-title "Bonds"; Sections 645B, 645C, 645D, 645F and
645G of Article 27 of the Code, title "Crimes and Punishments", sub-
title "Post Conviction Procedure"; Sections 2 through 8, inclusive, and
Sections 11, 16, 19, 22 and 23 of Article 33A of the Code, title "Emi-
nent Domain", sub-title "In General"; Section 16 of Article 35 of the
Code, title "Evidence", sub-title "Attendance and Pay of Witnesses";
sub-sections (c) and (d) of Section 255 of Article 41 of the Code, title
"Governor-Executive and Administrative Departments", sub-title
"Administrative Procedure Act"; Sections 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16,
20 and 21 of Article 42 of the Code, title "Habeas Corpus", sub-
title "Jurisdiction and Procedure"; Sections 61 through 68, inclu-
sive, of Article 52 of the Code, title "Justices of the Peace", sub-
title "Attachments"; Section 90 of Article 52 of the Code, title
"Justices of the Peace", sub-title "Supersedeas and Execution";
Sections 1 through 6, inclusive, and Sections 8 through 11, in-
clusive, of Article 60 of the Code, title "Mandamus"; Section 16
of Article 62 of the Code, title "Marriages"; Sections 7, 8, 16, 20, 24,
26, 27, 29, 30 and 31 of Article 63 of the Code, title "Mechanics'
Lien", sub-title "In General"; Sections 6, 7 and Sections 10 through
19, inclusive, and Sections 22 and 25 of Article 66 of the Code, title
"Mortgages", sub-title "In General"; Section 33 of Article 66 of the
Code, title "Mortgages", sub-title "Vendor's Lien"; sub-section (k)
of Section 7 of Article 66B of the Code, title "Zoning and Planning",
sub-title "Zoning"; sub-sections (j) and (k) of Section 22 of Article