sembly" to follow immediately after Section 41 thereof, and to be
under the new sub-title "Apportionment", and to read as follows:
(a) The membership of the House of Delegates shall consist of
one hundred and twenty-three Delegates. Each county and each
legislative district of Baltimore City shall have two Delegates as a
minimum, making a total of fifty-eight (58) Delegates. The re-
maining sixty-five (65) Delegates shall be apportioned on a basis
of relative population, as in this section provided.
[See page image for strike through]
THERE shall be an apportionment of
representation in the House of Delegates in the following manner:
Within one year after the publication of each census the Governor
by proclamation shall announce the population determined in the
census for each county and for each legislative district of Baltimore
City. If the Federal census does not determine the population by
legislative districts in Baltimore City, the Governor shall estimate
the population of the several legislative districts by using the
Federal census figures for wards and blocks within the City, or if
that method is impractical, then by such other reliable method as
may be feasible^ and the Governor's determination of the population
of each legislative district shall be conclusive. In the proclamation
the Governor also shall announce the number of Delegates to which
each county and legislative district is entitled according to the
formula and requirements contained in this section. At the time of
the next regular election to the House of Delegates following such
proclamation the number of Delegates specified in the proclamation
shall be elected in the counties and legislative districts respectively.
The apportionment above made shall continue until changed under
the provisions of this section.
(e) Each county and each legislative district of Baltimore City
shall be entitled to the minimum representation in the House of
Delegates provided for in sub-section (a) of this section. Additional
representation, subject to a total of sixty-five (65) additional Dele-
gates and based on the population of each county and each legis-
lative district as determined by each official decennial Federal
census, shall be in accordance with the following formula:
[See page image for strike through]