The members of your Committee have given close and intensive
consideration to the problems raised by this bill.
House Bill No. 2 proposed a Constitutional amendment to make a
permanent apportionment of representation in the House of Delegates.
This subject is one of the most weighty and controversial that ever faced
the General Assembly. Rather obviously, it presents questions and
difficulties beyond the limited scope of the General Assembly of Mary-
land at a special session. The members of the General Assembly and the
people of the State of Maryland now need a calm, dispassionate and un-
hurried consideration of the permanent problem of reapportionment.
Accordingly, your Conference Committee proposes that House Bill
No. 2 not be enacted by the General Assembly. In its place, the Con-
ference Committee, with the approval of the General Assembly, proposes
that the Governor of Maryland appoint a special commission to give
consideration to the problem in order that the Legislature and the people
may consider it more fully at the 1963 Session of the General Assembly.
Your Conference Committee, with the approval of the General
Assembly, also requests the Governor to appoint an able and outstanding
commission for this purpose selected from persons throughout the State
to make it fairly representative of all major points of view.
Finally, your Conference Committee proposes, with the approval of
the General Assembly, that all agencies and departments of the State
government be requested to cooperate upon the request of this commission
in order that it may be assured of having all necessary research and
secretarial staff assistance.
Respectively submitted,
For the Senate:
William S. James
Frederick C. Malkus, Jr.
H. Winship Wheatley, Jr.
For the House of Delegates:
A. Gordon Boone
Ridgely P. Melvin, Jr.
Egbert L. Quinn
Which was read and adopted by roll call as follows:
Messrs. —
Speaker, Brockmeyer, Larrimore, McNulty, Melvin, Whitmore, Dowell, Hance,
Boone, MacDaniel, Maguire, Staten, Tyler, Butler, Long, Quinn, Burkley, Harris,
Garbelman, Machen, Nichols, Sasscer, Sickles, Burall, Davis, Hess, Moore, Bullock,
Dembowski, Kosakowski, Nowakowski, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Panuska, Urban,
Acker, Brooks, Curran, McNeal, O'Malley, Abramson, Dixon, Friedman, Imber,
Rombro, Welcome, Bacharach, Cardin, Mandel, Resnick, Silver, Stark, Baumann,
Baynes, Bittner, Corrigan, McGuirk, Barbee, Browning, Cook, E. P., Hostetler, Lee,
Woodward, Conlon, Driscoll, Walsh. Total—67
Messrs. —
Combs, Fowler, Boyer, Joiner, Ridout, Linton, Mitchell, Harrison, Latham, Lowe,
Bennett, Corkran, Matthews, Merryweather, Mackie, Eaton, Risley, Hickman, Pil-
chard, Polk, Collins, Houck, Payne, Smelser, Virts, Getz, Blades, Wise, Behounek,
Hedrick, Brown, Myers, Cohill, Mason, Cook, N. S., Reed, Hahn, Hale, Magin,
O'Farrell, Clark, Murray, Caldwell, Hanna, White, E. H., Bray, Buckel, Savage.