there is an increase in representation, a special primary election,
but only for such increased representation in the House of Delegates,
shall be conducted on Tuesday, July 17, 1962. Certificates of candidacy
for this primary election shall be filed not later than midnight on
Monday, June 11, 1962. The final time to withdraw as a candidate
is midnight on Friday, June 15, 1962. This election is declared to be
a 'primary election' with respect to provisions in Article 33 of this
Code, title 'Elections' which concerns the registration of voters.
(ii) Except as in this section otherwise specifically provided,
the provisions of said Article 33 concerning the registration of voters
and the conduct of primary elections in this State and in the re-
spective political sub-divisions of this State apply within the particular
political sub-divisions in which the special primary elections are held.
(iii) The Board of Supervisors of Elections in each such political
sub-division, and all other officials and employees of this State and
of the respective political sub-divisions, shall do those things which
are necessary and proper to arrange for and conduct these special
primary elections.
(iv) There is appropriated to the Board of Public Works, as an
emergency appropriation from the General Fund Surplus of the State
Treasury for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, the sum of two
hundred thousand dollars ($200, 000). This appropriation shall be
used in whole or in part by the Board of Public Works for the pay-
ment of one-half of the cost of the special election in each of the
several counties and legislative districts in which under the provisions
of this section certain additional candidates are to be nominated for
membership in the House of Delegates. If any portion of this
appropriation is not expended on September 30, 1962, it shall revert
to the general funds of the State Treasury. "
Which amendment was read and adopted.
Mr. Melvin, duly seconded, moved to adopt Sees. 1, 2 and 3 of
amendment No. 7, including first paragraph thereof, and amendment
No. 10, by voice vote.
Amendment rejected.
Mr. Melvin, duly seconded, moved that Sec. 4 of Amendment No. 7
and Amendments 1 and 2 be rejected.
Motion carried.
Mr. Brown, duly seconded, moved that the vote by which Amend-
ment No. 7, Sees. 1, 2 and 3 and Amendment No. 10 were rejected be
The roll was called on the above motion, resulting as follows:
Messrs. —
Boyer, Joiner, Ridout, Whitmore, Linton, Mitchell, Harrison, Latham, Lowe,
Butler, Long1, Bennett, Corkran, Matthews, Merryweather, Mackie, Garbelman, Sass-
cer, Sickles, Eaton, Risley, Pilchard, Polk, Collins, Getz, Moore, Behounek, Hedrick,
Urban, Acker, Brooks, Brown, Curran, McNeal, O'Malley, Abramson, Friedman,
Welcome, Cardin, Resnick, Silver, Geiger, Grumbacher, Barbee, Browning, Cook,
E. P., Lee, Woodward, Cook, N. S., Driscoll, Clark, Murray, Caldwell, Cannon,
Hanna, White, E. H., Bray, Buckel, Savage. Total—59