Parkway in Prince George's County, Maryland, including park areas,
said agreements including the power to levy ad valorem taxes to pro-
vide funds necessary to satisfy all obligations, not in excess of One
Million Dollars ($1, 000, 000. 00) in the aggregate, which may be incurred
in such financing; and the said County Commissioners for Prince George's
County are authorized and empowered from time to time to borrow
not exceeding One Million Dollars ($1, 000, 000. 00) for the purpose of
providing funds to satisfy obligations under the above agreements in
acquiring the land necessary for that portion of the George Washington
Memorial Parkway in Prince George's County, including park areas;
to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale to the highest bidder
or bidders at public sale of its general obligation, serial maturity coupon
bonds in like par amount; empowering the County to fix and determine,
by resolution, the form, tenor, interest rate (or method of arriving
at the same), terms, including redemption and registration of provisions,
conditions, maturities, and all other details incident or necessary to
the issuance, public sale and delivery of said bonds; prescribing the
method and manner of selling said bonds at public sale; empowering
said County, subject to certain limitations to sell said bonds at, above
or below the par value thereof; empowering raid County to refund
any of said bonds purchased or redeemed in advance of maturity; em-
powering and directing said County to contract to levy and to levy,
impose and collect annually ad valorem taxes which will provide funds
sufficient for the payment of said maturing principal and interest, ex-
empting said bonds and said refunding bonds and the interest thereon
from all State, County and Municipal taxation in the State of Mary-
land. "
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.
House Bill No. 6—By Mr. Mandel:
A Bill entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 2 of Chapter 207 of the Laws of Maryland of 1961, which Act
authorized the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to borrow $2, 150, -
000. 00 and to use the same to establish, construct and equip an incinerator
or reduction plant, authorizing said municipality or the Commissioners
of Finance thereof to determine the rate or rates of interest to be paid
in connection with such borrowed money and the form or forms of
certificates of indebtedness to be issued representing such debt, and
clarifying certain language used in said section; to repeal and re-enact,
with amendments, Section 2 of Chapter 208 of the Laws of Maryland
of 1961, which Act authorized the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more to borrow $18, 500, 000. 00 and to use the same to extend, enlarge,
develop and improve the municipal water supply and water system of
Baltimore City, authorizing said municipality or the Commissioners of
Finance thereof to determine the rate or rates of interest to be paid in
connection with such borrowed money and the form or forms of certificates
of indebtedness to be issued representing such debt, and clarifying
certain language used in said Section; to repeal and re-enact, with
amendments, Section 2 of Chapter 209 of the Laws of Maryland of
1961, which Act authorized the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to borrow $5, 000, 000. 00 and to use the same to extend, enlarge, develop
and improve the Friendship International Airport, authorizing said
municipality or the Commissioners of Finance thereof to determine the
rate or rates of interest to be paid in connection with such borrowed
money and the form or forms of certificates of indebtedness to be issued