(b) Composition, Appointment, Qualifications and Tenure. The
Board of Building, Savings and Loan Association Advisors shall con-
sist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the Governor.
Each of the members shall have been a resident and registered voter
of the State of Maryland for at least the five-year period next pre-
ceding his appointment. At least three (S) of the members shall
have been actively engaged as officers or directors of an association
chartered or incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland
the principal place of business of which is located in this State, free
share accounts of which are not insured by an instrumentality of the
United States Government, for at least the five-year period next pre-
ceding his appointment. At least one (1) of the members shall have
been actively engaged as an officer or director of an association the
principal place of business of which is located in this State, free share
accounts of which are insured by an instrumentality of the United
States Government, for at least the five-year period next preceding
his appointment. At least three (S) of the members shall be residents
of Baltimore City. At least three (S) of the members shall be resi-
dents of the counties of Maryland. At least three (S) of the mem-
bers shall be selected from the public at large and shall not have been
an officer or director of an association for the five-year period next
preceding his appointment. A practicing attorney may be a member
of the Board unless he is or has been within the twelve-month period
next preceding his appointment regularly employed by an associa-
tion or a title company. The term of the members of said Board shall
be four (4) years, commencing on the first day of June next ensuing
their respective appointments, except as hereinafter provided, and
such members shall continue as such until their respective successors
have been appointed. Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the
Governor for the unexpired term created thereby. Initially, three
(3) of the members shall be appointed to serve from the first day of
June, 1961, through the S 1st day of May, 1963, and four (4) of the
members shall be appointed to serve from the first day of June, 1961,
through the 31st day of May, 1965. All members of the Board shall
serve without compensation and shall not be considered as officers
of this State. Such members shall not be required to take an oath
of office nor shall they be required to post a bond. Members of the
Board shall be reimbursed for necessary and proper expenses in-
curred while actually engaged in the performance of their duties as
(e) The Board shall meet at least as often as four (4) times in each
calendar year; it shall elect from its members a chairman, a vice-
chairman and a secretary; it shall perform such duties as may be
specified in this sub-title, and such other duties, not inconsistent with
law or with the Constitution of this State, as it may be called upon
to perform by the Director.
(d) Powers. The Board shall have full power to:
(1) advise and make recommendations to the Director on all and
any questions within the scope of authority of the Director, including
the promulgation of rules and regulations f or the effective adminis-
tration of this sub-title;
(2) submit to the Governor proposed amendments to the building,