assistance unlawfully obtained is less than five hundred dollars, shall
be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned for not
more than two years in the jail or house of correction, or both fined
and imprisoned in the discretion of the court; and if the amount of
assistance unlawfully obtained shall be five hundred dollars or more,
said person shall be fined as aforesaid or imprisoned in the peniten-
tiary for not less than two nor more than ten years, or both fined and
imprisoned in the discretion of the court. The provisions of Section
13 of Article 52 of the Annotated Code of Maryland shall not apply
to this section.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall (a) take
effect on July 15, 1961, contingent upon the taking effect of Chapter
13 of the Acts of the Special Session of 1961 (Senate Bill 4); (b)
terminate or be of no effect as of the time Chapter 616 of the Acts of
the Regular Session of 1961 becomes or became effective, or upon
the rejection of said Chapter 616 at a referendum election under
Article XVI of the Constitution of this State; and (e) not be con-
strued as repealing, by implication or otherwise, the aforesaid Chap-
ter 616 or any part thereof.
Approved June 15, 1961.