that court. In Baltimore City where the a/mount of money or the
value of the thing received does not exceed One Hundred Dollars
($100. 00), the Municipal Court of Baltimore City shall have juris-
diction to try persons charged with violating this section, provided
that persons so convicted in the Municipal Court shall not be sentenced
to the penitentiary by that court.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That Section 349 of Article 27
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Ed. ), Title, "Crimes and
Punishments", sub-title, "Larceny—Horses or Vehicles", be and it
is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as
§ 349, Unauthorized use of livestock or vehicle.
Any person or persons, his or their aiders or abettors who shall
enter, or being upon the premises of any other person, body corporate
or politic in the State, shall, against the will and consent of said
person or persons, body corporate or politic or their agents, wilfully
take and carry away any horse, mare, colt, gelding, mule, ass, sheep,
hog, ox or cow, or any carriage, wagon, buggy, cart or any other
vehicle including motor vehicle as defined in the laws of this State
relating to such, or property whatsoever, or take and carry away
out of the custody or use of any person or persons, body corporate or
politic, or his or their agents, any of the above enumerated property
at whatsoever place the same may be found, shall upon conviction
thereof in any of the courts of this State having criminal juris-
diction be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall restore the
property so taken and carried away, or, if unable so to do, shall
pay to the owner or owners the full value thereof, and be fined not
less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned
in the county or city jail for the penitentiary], or the house of correc-
tion, for not less than six months nor more than four years, or be
both fined and imprisoned as aforesaid, in the discretion of the
court, although it may appear from the evidence that such person or
persons, his or their aiders and abettors, took and carried away the
property or any portion of the same enumerated in this section, for
his or their present use, and not with the intent of appropriating or
converting the same. The provisions of Article 52, Section 13, shall
not apply to this section.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That Section 59 of Article 88A
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Ed. ), Title, "State Depart-
ment of Public Welfare", sub-title, "Aid to Dependent Children", be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read
as follows:
§ 59. Fraudulent Acts.
Whoever knowingly obtains, or attempts to obtain, or aids, or
abets any person to obtain by means of a wilfully false statement
or representation, or by impersonation, or other fraudulent device,
assistance to which he is not entitled, or assistance greater than that
to which he is justly entitled, shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty
of [the offense of false pretenses and subject to the terms and penal-
ties provided in § 140 of Article 27 of this Code, and any amendments
thereto or supplements thereof] a misdemeanor and, if the amount of