Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9, 500, 000. 00) and to issue
bonds and promissory notes or other certificates of indebtedness
therefor in order to finance the design, engineering and
legal services, right-of-way acquisitions, the construction and
establishment of a water transmission system and all appurtenances
thereto and to finance the acquisition of any properties, rights,
easements and franchises relating thereto, extending from the
Savage River Dam in Garrett County, Maryland, to the City of
Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland, with connections to the
various municipal corporations, sanitary districts, special taxing
areas, towns, plants, industries and establishments in Allegany
County, Maryland, and to authorize and empower the County Com-
missioners of Allegany County, Maryland, to provide for the trans-
fer of the water system and appurtenances thereto authorized
herein to the Allegany County Sanitary District, Inc., and to au-
thorize the acceptance for the purposes of this Act of certain grants
or loans and to authorize other necessary acts.
WHEREAS, It is hereby determined and declared to be necessary
and conducive to the protection of the public health, safety, and wel-
fare of the citizens of Allegany County, Maryland, that a public water
system be constructed in Allegany County to serve the citizens of
the municipal corporations, sanitary districts, special taxing
areas, and towns therein, and the plants, industries and estab-
lishments therein and that said water supply be made available as
quickly as is consistent with sound engineering practices; now, there-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the County Commissioners of Allegany County, a body
corporate, for the purpose of financing the design, engineering and
legal services, right-of-way acquisitions, the construction and estab-
lishment of a water transmission system, including water mains,
reservoirs or dams, intakes, laterals, pumping stations, standpipes,
filtration and purification plants, hydrants, meters, valves and equip-
ment, appurtenances, and for the purpose of financing the acquisition
of any properties, rights, easements and franchises relating thereto,
extending from the Savage River Dam in Garrett County, Maryland,
to the Ridgedale Reservoir in the City of Cumberland, Allegany Coun-
ty, Maryland, with connections to the municipal corporations, Sani-
tary districts, special taxing areas, towns, plants, industries, and
establishments in Allegany County, Maryland, are authorized and
empowered to borrow from time to time in such amounts as the
Board of County Commissioners shall deem necessary money on the
faith and credit of said county and to issue therefor promissory notes
or bonds or other certificates of indebtedness of the county; provided,
however, that in the aggregate said notes, bonds, or other certificates
of indebtedness shall not exceed the sum of Nine Million Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($9, 500, 000. 00). Said notes, bonds or other cer-
tificates of indebtedness shall bear a rate of interest not exceeding
five per centum per annum. If said sum or any portion thereof
shall be borrowed by the sale of notes, bonds or other certificates of
indebtedness, they shall be designated as "Water System Bonds of
1961". They shall be of such denomination or denominations, call-
able or noncallable, and of such type or form and of such period of
maturity as the County Commissioners of Allegany County may