proper quarters shall be furnished by the Mayor and City Council of
127. Expenses. All necessary expenses for the operation of the
Traffic Division of the Court, excluding quarters and the salaries of
the judges (including salary costs and pensions) shall be paid as
provided in Article 661/2, Section 341 (d). All other necessary ex-
penses for the operation of the Court, excluding quarters, shall be
paid out of the Municipal Court Special Fund which is hereby
created. All costs imposed by the Court shall be paid into the
Municipal Court Special Fund. There shall also be paid into the
Municipal Court Special Fund from the sources comprising the Motor
Vehicle Revenue Fund, as created by Section 341 (d) of Article 661/2,
a sum equivalent to the salary costs of four (4) Associate Judges of
the Court. Any excess of the payments into the Municipal Court
Special Fund over the expenses chargeable against it in any fiscal
year shall not revert to the State, but shall remain in said fund
as a special reserve. When such special reserve shall amount to
One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100, 000. 00), any excess of the
payments made to said fund over the expenses chargeable against it,
as of the thirtieth day of June in any year, shall be paid to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore. A deficiency in said special fund, to
meet the expenses chargeable against it, as of the thirtieth day of
June in any year, up to, but not exceeding, Thirty Thousand Dollars
($30, 000. 00) in any State fiscal year, shall be paid by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore. The Chief Clerk is hereby empowered to
deduct the amount of such deficiency, up to, but not exceeding, Thirty
Thousand Dollars ($30, 000. 00) from those fines imposed^ by the Court
which would otherwise be payable to the Mayor and City Council of
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby declared
to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immediate pres-
ervation of the public health and safety, and having been passed by
a yea and nay vote, supported by three-fifths of all of the members
elected to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, the same shall take effect either from the date of its passage or
at the time of, and conditioned upon, the taking effect of Chapter 616
of the Acts of the Regular Session of 1961, whichever shall later
occur; provided that, if the aforesaid Chapter 616 shall be rejected
by a majority of the electors voting thereon at a referendum elec-
tion under Article XVI of the Constitution of this State, this Act
shall be void and of no effect.
Approved June 12, 1961.
(Senate Bill 7)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 324 (f)
and Section 326 (e) of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1960 Supplement), as amended by Chapter 655 of the Acts
of 1961, title "Revenue and Taxes", sub-title "Retail Sales Tax