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Session Laws, 1961 (Special Session), House and Senate Journals
Volume 648, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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House Resolution No. 1—By the Speaker and Mr. Reed:

House Resolution expressing deepest regrets over the passing of
Mr. John "Piggy" Simms.

The members of the House of Delegates of Maryland learned recently
with deepest regret of the passing of Mr. John "Piggy" Simms of An-

Mr. Simms died at the venerable age of 94 years. He was a familiar
figure in the State House for 70 years having attended every session from
1892 through the regular session of 1961.

The aged attache of the General Assembly prided himself as being
the official bootblack of the General Assembly of Maryland.

He was a familiar and beloved part of the daily scene in Maryland's
capitol city.

The friendliness of his manner, the cordiality of his reception and
the warmth of his interest in successive generations of legislators were
always evident. In his passing the General Assembly has lost a land
mark, indeed.

"Piggy" Simms for many years worked also in the home and dental
office of Dr. Carl P. Russell.

Following his death State officials, including the Governor, issued
statements of their sorrow and concern. His death was mourned by all
who knew him; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Delegates of Maryland, That the deepest
regrets of this body be expressed over the passing of Mr. John "Piggy"
Simms of Annapolis; and be it further

Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the House be instructed to send
copies of this Resolution to the family of the late Mr. Simms and to Dr.
Carl P. Russell.

Read and Adopted.


At 12: 00 o'clock P. M., on motion of Mr. Boone, the House took a
> recess until 12: 30 o'clock P. M.


At 12: 30 P. M., the House resumed its session.
Present at roll call were the following members:

Speaker, Fowler, Brockmeyer, Larrimore, McNulty, Melvin, Whitmore, Dowell,
Hance, Mitchell, Boone, Staten, Long, Bennett, Matthews, Mackie, Eaton, Pilchard,
Polk, Collins, Utterback, Getz, Hess, Blades, Wise, Nowakowski, Walters, Antonelli,
Hedrick, Panuska, Acker, Brooks, Curran, Gallagher, McNeal, O'Malley, Robinson,
Rombro, Welcome, Mandel, Silver, Baumann, Baynes, Corrigan, McGuirk, Myers,


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Session Laws, 1961 (Special Session), House and Senate Journals
Volume 648, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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