Based upon the request of the sponsor and the recommendation of
the Chairman of the Department of Tidewater Fisheries, I feel com-
pelled to exercise my right of veto in regard to this legislation.
With kindest regards, I remain
Sincerely yours,
Which was read and journalized.
Vetoed by the Governor May 8, 1961
House Bill No. 955—By Mr. White:
AN ACT to add new Section 154A to Article 27 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Crimes and Punish-
ments", sub-title "Firearms", to follow immediately after Section
154 thereof, making it a misdemeanor for any oyster tonging
boa, t or any oyster tonger to carry firearms, other than shotguns,
while engaged in oyster tonging activities, and providing a penalty
for convictions thereof.
The Speaker put the question: Shall the bill pass not withstanding
the objections of the Executive?
Messrs. —
Speaker, Combs, Fowler, Boyer, Joiner, Brockmeyer, Larrimore, McNulty, Melyin,
Ridout, Whitmore, Dowell, Hance, Linton, Mitchell, Boone, Culver, MacDaniel, Maguire,
Staten, Tyler, Harrison, Latham, Lowe, Long, Parks, Quinn, Bennett, Corkran,
Matthews, Merryweather, Burkley, Harris, Mackie, Garbelman, Machen, Nichols,
Sasscer, Sickles, Eaton, Risley, Hickman, Pilchard, Polk, Collins, Houck, Smelser,
Utterback, Virts, Getz, Moore, Davis, Blades, Bullock, Dembowski, Kosakowski, Nowak-
owski. Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Behounek, Hedrick, Holub, Panuska, Urban, Acker,
Brooks, Curran, Gallagher, McNeal, O'Malley, Abramson, Dixon, Friedman, Robinson,
Rombro, Welcome, Bacharach, Cardin, Mandel, Resnick, Silver, Stark, Baumann,
Baynes, Bittner, Corrigan, McGuirk, Myers, Cohill, Coss, Geiger, Huyett, Mason,
McElwee, Barbee, Cook (E. P. ), Lee, Walker, Woodward, Conlon, Cook (N. S. ), Kelley,
Reed, Walsh, Hahn, Hale, Magin, O'Farrell, Clark, Murray, Caldwell, Cannon, Hanna,
Bray, Buckel, Savage. Total—116
The Speaker announced the veto was sustained.
House Bill No. 1—By Mr. Stark:
A Bill entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 128 of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition), title 'Revenue and Taxes', sub-title 'Franchise Tax on Savings
Banks and Savings and Loan Associations', to levy a franchise tax on
certain deposits of building, homestead or savings and loan associations
or institutions in the State; and making corrections as to the said tax
and removing certain obsolete provisions which relate to the said tax,
on certain savings banks, institutions or corporations. "
Which was read first time and referred to the Committee on Rules*