C H A P.
And lay be-
fore them an
account of
money and
XVII. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall and he is hereby directed
to lay before the general affembly at their next feffion, on the firft day thereof,
an account of the money and certificates by him received, in virtue of his office,
from the time of his original appointment until the firft day of November,
in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-five, arranged under diftinct heads,
fpecifying the names of the perfons from whom the fame were refpectively re-
ceived, and the feveral times when received, and the amount he has paid into the
treafury, and the time when paid, and alfo an account of the tranfactions within
the period aforefaid that were under his fuperintendence, ftating them in detail,
under diftinct heads, according to the rate of commiffion allowed him, fpecifying
the rate and amount of the commiffion he has drawn in each and every cafe, or
which he was, within that period, entitled to draw.
XVIII. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall be allowed for his fer-
vices the following commiffions, to wit: For all payments made to either of the
treafurers on bonds for confifcated property, one per cent, for all bonds with fe-
curity taken by the faid agent on refales of confifcated property, in virtue of this
act, two and a half per cent, for all monies collected on open accounts, not in-
cluding monies arifing from fines, forfeitures and amerciaments, ordinary, re-
tailers, marriage, hawkers and pedlers licences, which have become due fince
the firft day of January, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, fix per cent, and for
all other monies by him actually received and paid into the treafury, three per
cent, and for all other bonds taken in virtue of this act, one per cent, provided,
that the faid agent fhall not be entitled to any commiffion upon the monies
arifing from fines, forfeitures, amerciaments, ordinary, retailers, marriage,
hawkers and pedlers licences, unlefs in cafes where the fame fhall not be paid by
the fheriffs and clerks refpectively to the treafurer within the time prefcribed by
law, and unlefs the faid agent fhall thereafter receive the fame from the faid of-
ficers refpectively, and the fame pay to the faid treafurer.
Agent to pur-
chafe ftock,
XIX. And be it enacted, That the faid agent, with the approbation of the
governor and council, the auditor-general and treafurer of the weftern fhore,
given in writing, be and he is hereby authorifed, with fuch furplus money in the
treafury as can prudently be fpared under a view of the exifting and probable de-
mands upon the public funds, to purchafe, for the benefit of the ftate, on the
beft poffible terms, not exceeding twenty fhillings in the pound, ftock of the
United States bearing an immediate intereft of fix per cent, to be transferred to
the date's truftee; and the faid agent fhall, immediately after fuch purchases,
caufe the faid ftock to be transferred to the truftee of the ftate, and fhall report
to the general affembly, at their next feffion, a precife and accurate ftatement of
the money fo expended, of the ftock therewith bought, and the times when, the
perfons from whom, and the prices at which, the purchases were made; and the
treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall, in his annual report, fpecify the fums of
money drawn out of the treafury for the purpofes aforefaid, and the amount of
ftock therewith purchafed and transferred to the truftee; and the faid agent fhall
be entitled to receive, as a compenfation for his fervices, a commiffion of one per
cent, on all money by him paid in the purchafe of ftock as aforefaid, and no more.
And give
bond, &c.
XX. And be it enacted, That the faid agent, before he enters upon the exe-
cution of the duties of this act, fhall give bond to the ftate, before the governor
and the council, in the penalty of twenty thoufand pounds current money, with
fuch fecurity as the governor and council fhall approve, for the faithful per-
formance of the faid duties, which bond fhall be lodged with the treafurer of the
weftern fhore, and fhall alfo take an oath before the chancellor, that he will well
and faithfully difcharge the duties of agent, under the act, entitled, An act to
appoint an agent for the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, to the
beft of his fkill and judgment; the certificate of which oath fhall be annexed to,
or endorfed on, the faid bond.
How a vacan-
cy is to be
XXI. And be it enacted, That if the faid agent fhall not accept his appoint,
ment, or if after acceptance he fhall not give bond and take the oath aforefaid
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