JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
certain tracts of land called Warburton Manor and Frankland, lying in faid
county, as liable to confifcation, being the property of a certain Thomas Digges,
of Great-Britain, but no proceedings have yet been had to afcertain the right of
the ftate to the faid land: And whereas it is reprefented, that the faid Thomas
Digges performed fundry fervices and acts of friendfhip to the citizens of Ameri-
ca during the late war with Great-Britain, which entitled him to the indulgence
of the legiflature, in cafe the nature of the faid fervices fhould not come within
the provisoes and exceptions of the act for confifcation, paffed at October feffion,
feventeen hundred and eighty;
C H A P.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the attorney-
general of this ftate, upon application of the laid Benjamin Brookes, be and he
is hereby directed to bring an action of ejectment, in the name of the faid ftate,
for the recovery of the faid lands, by whatever names they may be known and dif-
tinguifhed, agreeably to the title and intereft of the faid Thomas Digges therein,
and that if the faid lands be recovered, and judgment thereon entered in favour
of the faid ftate, that then, and after the faid judgment, two thirds of the faid
lands be given up and relinquished to the faid Thomas Digges, leaving one third
as a compenfation for the informer above mentioned.
neral to bring
an action, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That in cafe of recovery as aforefaid, the faid lands
fhall be laid off and divided into three parts, as equal in quantity and quality as
may be, by three perfons to be appointed by the general court, after the faid re-
covery, and that upon a return of the faid divifion to the general court, under
the hands and feals of the perfons making the fame, a writ may iffue therefrom,
directed to the fheriff of Prince-George's county, reciting this claufe of this act,
to put the faid Benjamin Brookes into poffeffion of fuch part of faid lands as by
the faid perfons, fo as aforefaid appointed, fhall be allotted to him, to be held
by the faid Benjamin Brookes for fuch term and intereft as the faid Thomas
Digges had therein, arid the ftate acquired by the act of confifcation aforefaid;
provided always, that if the faid Thomas Digges, or any perfon on his behalf,
fhall make any compromife with the faid Benjamin Brookes, fo as to procure
from him, the faid Benjamin, and lodge with the governor and council, a releafe
on his part of all his right, title and claim, on account of the information fo
given as aforefaid of the faid property, that in fuch cafe the right of this ftate
be thereupon abfolutely given up and releafed to the faid Thomas Digges, and
the directions herein contained, in regard to the ejectment to be brought, fhall
be confidered as void, and the faid ejectment, if commenced before fuch com-
promife, fhall be difcontinued, on the payment of all cofts accrued to the
ftate .
Lands to be
laid off, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid fuit fhall be profecuted wholly at the
expence of the faid Benjamin Brookes, who fhall be liable for cofts to the de-
fendant or defendants in cafe of a failure of the faid fuit, and judgment may be
rendered againft him for the fame, and execution Lad thereon, if neceffary.
Suit to be pro-
fecuted at B.
Brookes's ex-
pence, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to eftablifh a bank in
the diftrict of Columbia.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS the bank of Columbia confifts of ten thoufand fhares of
one hundred dollars each, and forty dollars on each fhare hath been
actually paid, and the refidue is liable to be called for in payments of
ten dollars every year until the whole fhall be completed: And whereas it is re-
presented, by the memorial of the prefident and directors of faid bank, that fo-
reigners, and others, are prevented from purchafing ftock in faid bank, becaufe
a failure in making regular annual payments, as prefcribed by the incorporating
act, occafions a forfeiture of all precedent payments, and may eventually prove
injurious and oppreffive to many of the ftockholders, and that the faid flock-
holders are defirous of obtaining an act of the legiflature, to enable fuch of them
as are defirous of paying in the whole of their fubfcriptions may be authorifed to