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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 62   View pdf image
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LAWS of M A R Y L A N D.

C H A P.


his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, any law of this ftate to the contrary


III. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained fhall be conftrued to give a right to the faid David, or his reprefentatives, to
fell the faid female flave fooner than is prefcribed by the laws of this ftate in cafe
of flaves brought into this ftate from any other of the United States, or to de-
prive the faid Kitty or Kate of any right to freedom fhe may have acquired.,
otherwife than from being brought into this ftate by the faid Margaret Forman.


Paffed De-
cember 24.

An additional fupplement to the act, entitled, An act for the en-
couragement of learning, and erecting fchools in the feveral
counties within this province.


WHEREAS the lands belonging to the free-fchool of Anne-Arundel
county are lying wafte and unemployed: And whereas for want of
the funds formerly appropriated to the benefit of the faid fchool, the
vifitors thereof have, for many years, been unable to employ a mafter to carry
on the faid fchool, according to the liberal intention of its founders: And where-
as all of the vifitors, except one, who were appointed in purfuance of the law
by which the laid fchool was eftablifhed, are now dead: And whereas doubts are
entertained whether the furviving vifitor can elect others who can be qualified
agreeably to the provifions of the original act ;

Vifitors ap-
pointed, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Richard Har-
wood, William Hall, the third, Jonathan Sellman, Brice John Worthington,
Henry Hall, Leonard Sellman and Richard Hall, fhall be and they are hereby
appointed vifitors of the faid fchool, and as fuch are hereby conftituted a body
politic, in the fame manner, upon the fame terms, and with all and every the
rights, privileges, powers and immunities whatfoever, that were vefted in the
vifitors of the faid fchool by the original act, and the fupplement thereto.

Who fhall
take an oath,


III. And be it enacted, That no perfon fhall act as vifitor of the faid fchool, before he fhall

take the oath of fidelity and fupport to this ftate, required by the
conftitution or by the laws of this ftate, and the following oath, to wit: " I,
" A. B. do fwear, that I will duly and faithfully difcharge the duties and trufts
" committed to me as a vifitor of Anne-Arundel county fchool, according to the
" beft of my knowledge. So help me God."

Rent out the

lands, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That the vifitors of the faid fchool, or a major part of
them, fhall have full power and authority either to rent out to the beft advan-
tage, for fuch term of years as they or a majority of them may think proper,
the lands belonging to the faid fchool, for the purpofe of raifing a fund to enable
the vifitors thereof to employ a mafter to carry on the faid fchool, or to employ
a mafter who will, for the ufe and occupation, of the faid lands, undertake to
teach in the faid fchool upon the fame terms and conditions as are required by
the original act, and the fupplement thereto.

And veft the
money in
ftock, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That if the faid vifitors, or a majority of them, fhall
think it moft to the advantage of the faid fchool to rent out the lands belonging
thereto, that then and in that cafe the money arifing therefrom fhall be annually
paid to the faid vifitors, and fhall be by them, for the benefit of the faid fchool,
annually vefted in ftock of the United States bearing an immediate intereft of fix
and that the intereft arifmg from the faid ftock fhall be by the faid
vifitors converted into a principal of the faid ftock, until the expiration of the
time for which the faid lands fhall be rented, at which time the faid vifitors, or
a majority of them, fhall employ a mafter to teach in the faid fchool upon the
fame terms and conditions as are required by the original act, and the fupple-
ment thereto.

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 62   View pdf image
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