J O H N H. S T O N E, Efquire, Governor.
IV. And be it enacted, That the perfons who may conceive themfelves inter-
efted or benefited by fuch roads, are hereby required to pay into the hands of
the commiffioners aforefaid, for the ufe of the perfon or perfons in whofe favour
fuch valuation may be made, immediately upon laying out the roads aforefaid,
whatever damages be as aforefaid adjudged to the party fuftaining fuch damages,
and in cafe of failure of payment as aforefaid, this act to be null and void, but in
cafe of compliance with the provifions of this act, the faid roads to be confider-
ed as public roads, and to be kept up as public roads in faid county.
To be paid by
perfons inter-
cited, &c.
An ACT for the benefit of Mary Jackfon, and others, fecurities of
William John Jackfon, late fheriff of Prince-George's county.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS Mary Jackfon, adminiftratrix of William John Jackfon,
late of Prince-George's county, deceafed, and Clement Hill, James
Warring, William D. Beall, William Fergufon, Tobias Belt, Hum-
phrey Belt, John M. Burgefs and Charles Burgefs, fecurities for the faid Wil-
liam John Jackfon, late fheriff of faid county, have, by their petition to this
general affembly, fet forth, that the faid William John Jackfon, late fheriff of
Prince-George's county, is lately deceafed, and that they apprehend large fums
of money are due from and to the faid Jackfon, as fheriff of Prince-George's
county, and prayed that an act may pafs authorifing them, the faid widow and
fecurities, to collect and fettle the faid debts; and the prayer of the faid petition
appearing reafonable,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Mary Jackfon,
Clement Hill, James Warring, William D. Beall, William Fergufon, Tobias
Belt, Humphrey Belt, John M. Burgefs and Charles Burgefs, be and they are
hereby inverted with like power and authority, until the twentieth day of
January, feventeen hundred and ninety-feven, to receive, collect and execute
for, all arrears, public dues, officers fees, and other balances due to the faid
Jackfon, as fheriff of Prince-George's county, in as full and ample manner as
he the faid Jackfon had as fheriff at the time of his death; and the faid widow,
and fecurities, fhall have the like power and remedy to fettle with the deputies of
the faid William John Jackfon as he the faid Jackfon in his lifetime had, and to
compel payment of any money due from them, or any of them; and all monies,
when collected, fhall be applied and paid by them, the faid widow and fecurities,
as the faid William John Jackfon, on his receipt thereof, ought to have paid
and applied the fame, and the balance, if any, after deducting any allowance or
compenfation which may be made to any perfon or perfons that may be appointed
to make and finifh the collection of the debts or fees due to the faid Jackfon, as
fheriff, fhall be confidered as the perfonal eftate of the faid William John Jack-
fon, and difpofed of as fuch; and the faid Mary Jackfon, widow of, and the
afore-mentioned fecurities for, William John Jackfon aforefaid, may take fuch
bond and fecurity of the perfon or perfons which may be appointed to make and
finifh the collection aforefaid, as they may think neceffary for the performance of
the truft; provided, that nothing in this act fhall difcharge any of the fecurities,
or the faid adminiftratrix, and that no greater commiffion than fix per centum for
collection fhall be allowed againft the eftate of the faid William John Jackfon.
M. Jackfon,
&c. invefted
with power,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid adminiftratrix and fecurities of the
faid William John Jackfon, fhall be entitled to receive the fame commiffion
for the collection of any arrears due to the faid William John Jackfon, as fheriff
and collector aforefaid, which the faid William John Jack/on would have been
entitled to receive had he lived to have completed faid collection.
An ACT to pay the civil lift and other expences of civil govern-
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS thofe who dedicate their time, abilities and labour, to the
public, ought to receive a reafonable and adequate compenfation for
their fervices ;