L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
the taxes and county rates for Kent county for the year feventeen hundred and
ninety-five, and that the faid Thomas Jones died before his time for collection
had expired, leaving many balances of the faid taxes and county rates uncollect-
ed, for the payment of which balances they, as fecurities of the faid Thomas
Jones, are liable; and the faid Robert Buchanan, Simon Wilmer, of Edward,
and Henry Curry, have prayed that they may be empowered to collect all ba-
lances due and uncollected as aforefaid, in the fame manner that the faid Thomas
Jones, deceafed, might have done when living, in virtue of his faid office of
collector; and it appearing to this general affembly that the prayer of the faid
petition is highly reafonable,
R. Buchanan,
&c. may col-
lect, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Robert
Buchanan, Simon Wilmer, of Edward, and Henry Curry, or any two of them,
be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered to collect, on or before the firft
day of October next, all balances owing as aforefaid to the faid deceafed collec-
tor, in manner following, to wit: That the aforefaid Robert Buchanan, Simon
Wilmer, of Edward, and Henry Curry, or any two of them, or fome perfon
or perfons authorifed by them, or any two of them, in the collection aforefaid,
deliver to the perfon charged, or leave at his or her place of abode, an account,
ftating the taxes or county rates, or fuch part thereof, as may be claimed as due,
and if the perfon or perfons owing fuch taxes or county rates fhall neglect or re-
fufe to pay the fame, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Robert Buchanan,
Simon Wilmer, of Edward, and Henry Curry, or any two of them, or fuch
perfon or perfons as may be authorifed by them, or any two of them, to collect
the fame by execution or diftrefs of property of the perfon or perfons fo refufing
or neglecting, and to fell and difpofe thereof at public auction at the expiration
of five days, exclufive of the day of feizure and day of fale.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
C H A P. V.
An ACT to empower Thomas Bond and Henry Richardfon, fe-
curities for Thomas Gibfon, late fheriff of Harford county,
deceafed, and Thomas Ringgold and Michael Corfe, fecurities
for Thomas Jones, late fheriff of Kent county, deceafed, to
collect the balances due to, and uncollected by, the faid fhe-
riffs refpectively.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petitions of
Thomas Bond and Henry Richardfon, fecurities for Thomas Gibfon,
late fheriff of Harford county, deceafed, and Thomas Ringgold and
Michael Corfe, fecurities for Thomas Jones, late fheriff of Kent county, de-
ceafed, that the refpective fheriffs for whom they became fecurities have died before
they could complete their collections of officers fees, and amerciaments due to
the ftate, in the counties aforefaid, and have prayed that a law may pafs, autho-
rifing them to complete the faid collections, and it appearing reafonable to this
general affembly; therefore,
T. Bond, &c.
may collect,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Tho-
mas Bond and Henry Richardfon, or the furvivor of them, and the faid Thomas
Ringgold and Michael Corfe, or the furvivor of them, be and they are hereby
authorifed and empowered to collect, on or before the firft day of October next,
all balances of officers fees, and amerciaments due to the ftate, which were put
into the hands of the faid deceafed fheriffs refpectively to be collected for the year
feventeen hundred and ninety-five, in manner following, to wit: That the afore-
faid Thomas Bond and Henry Richardfon, or fome perfon or perfons authorifed
by them, or the furvivor of them, in the collection aforefaid for Harford county,
and Thomas Ringgold and Michael Corfe, or fome perfon or perfons authorifed
by them, or the furvivor of them, in the collection aforefaid for Kent county,
fhall deliver, if required, to the perfon charged, or leave at his or her place of
abode, in their refpective counties as aforefaid, an account, ftating the officers
fees and amerciaments as aforefaid, or fuch part thereof, as may be claimed as
due, and if the perfon or perfons owing fuch fees or amerciaments fhall neglect