JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
act to the act for the eftablifhment of a night watch, and the erection of lamps,
in Baltimore-town.
IV. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the faid court fhall affefs and levy,
on the affeffable property of the faid town, and the wharfs adjoining thereto,
the amount of the expenditures of the committee of health for the laid town
during the year feventeen hundred and ninety-five, to be collected in the fame
manner as the county levy is by law directed to be collected.
Juftices to af-
efs the a-
mount, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That the expences attending the execution of this act,
and of fupporting the criminals employed in making and repairing the turnpike
roads of Baltimore county, and of repairing the bridges in Baltimore-town, fhall
be paid by Baltimore county, and fhall be affeffed by the faid juftices, and col-
lected with the county affeffment; provided, that a greater fum than one hun-
dred pounds fhall not be levied for the repair of the faid bridges.
Expences to
be paid by
Balt, county.
VI. This act to continue and be in force until the thirtieth day of January,
feventeen hundred and ninety-eight.
An ACT for the benefit of Thomas Watkins, of Montgomery
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
Thomas Watkins, of Montgomery county, a minor, that his grand-
father, Ninian Beall, deceafed, did, by his laft will and teftament,
bequeath to him, and his three brothers, certain personal eftate, to be paid to
them refpectively on their arrival at age; that the faid Ninian Beall, in his life-
time, made a voluntary fettlement upon his faid grand-children of feveral ne-
groes, and afterwards, by his faid will, directed, that his executor fhould take
the fame into his poffeffion, and hire them out, and apply the money arifing
therefrom to the education and fupport of the petitioner, and to his inftruction
in fuch of the learned profeffions as his genius and inclination mould lead him
to; that fince the death of the faid Ninian Beall, the petitioner's father hath ob-
tained poffeffion of the faid negroes, and carried them to North-Carolina, where-
by the petitioner is deprived of the means of fupport and inftruction during his
minority intended for him by the faid laft will and teftament; that the petiti-
oner is in his eighteenth year, and is defirous of commencing the ftudy of phyfic,
but that, as the legacy bequeathed to him by his faid grand-father is not paya-
ble until his arrival at age, and the benefit expelled to arife from the hire of the
faid negroes is withdrawn from him by their removal as aforefaid, he is left with-
out any provifion to enable him to profecute his ftudies, and hath therefore pray-
ed that a law may pafs, giving authority to the faid executor to apply, during the
petitioner's minority, fo much of the perfonal eftate in his hands, bequeathed as
aforefaid to the petitioner, as may be fufficient for the purpofe aforefaid: And
whereas the faid executor hath fignified his affent to the paffage of fuch a law,
and this general affembly thinking it reafonable and proper,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the executor of
the laft will and teftament of the faid Ninian Beall, be and he is hereby autho-
rifed, from time to time, during the minority of the faid Thomas Watkins, to
apply any perfonal eftate in his hands as executor of the faid Ninian Beall, to
which the faid Thomas Watkins would be entitled, in virtue of the faid will, on
his arrival at the age of twenty-one years, towards the fupport and maintenance
of the faid Thomas Watkins, and towards his instruction in fuch of the learned
profeffions as it fhall be found proper for him to purfue, faving, however, the
rights of any and all of the creditors of the faid Ninian Beall, whofe claims fhall
Rot be in any manner defeated or injured by the authority given by this act, or by
any thing done in purfuance thereof.
Executor to
apply the per-
fonal eftate,