L AW S of M A R Y L A N D.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and
amend the federal public roads in feveral counties, and for other
purpofes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it hath been reprefented to this general affembly, by the
petition of a number of the inhabitants of Montgomery county, that
part of the fifteenth road, as laid off by the commiffioners under the
original act, may be confiderably ftreightened, and carried over as good or better
ground, and at a lefs expence, and have prayed that commiffioners may be ap-
pointed to lay off the fame; therefore,
ers appointed,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Richard Woot-
ton, Samuel Brooke and Allen Bowie, be and they are hereby appointed com-
miffioners to lay off, furvey, mark and bound, in the manner directed by the
original act, a road from Benjamin Edwards's ftore, in the ftreighteft and moft
convenient direction to interfect the river road leading from the mouth of Mono-
cacy to George-town, and return a plot of the fame, with explanations, to the
juftices of Montgomery county within fix months after the paffage of this act.
Juftices to ex-
amine the
plot, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the juftices aforefaid, or a majority of them,
fhall, and they are hereby authorifed and required, on the faid plot being re-
turned, to examine and compare the fame with the road laid off by the commif-
fioners appointed under the original act and, upon a confideration of all circum-
ftances, to order and direct which of the roads fo laid off and furveyed fhall be
the public road, to be opened and kept in repair under the provisions of the ori-
ginal act; and the faid juftices fhall order and direct the plot of the road, by them
ordered and adjudged as aforefaid, to be recorded among the records of Mont-
gomery county.
Damages to
be afcertain-
ed, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That in cafe the faid juftices fhall ratify and confirm
the road directed to be laid out by this act, the damages fuftained by any perfon
or perfons through whofe land the fame may pafs fhall be afcertained and paid in
the manner directed by the act to which this is a fupplement.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
Affiftant juf-
tices to at-
tend, &c.
A Supplement to the act refpecting the punifhment of criminals.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the affiftant juf-
tices of Baltimore county court, appointed under the act to which this is
a fupplement, fhall attend, in a weekly rotation, at the court-houfe, or
fome other convenient place in Baltimore-town, for receiving the reports and
fuperintending the conduct of the watch eftablifhed in the faid town, and fhall
be allowed the fum of ten fhillings for every day they fhall be employed in virtue
of this act, and the act to which this is a fupplement.
Juftices to ex-
ercife certain
powers, &c.
II. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the faid court, and each of them,
fhall and may lawfully exercife all the powers, jurifdictions and authorities, vefted
in the juftices of the criminal court of Baltimore county, appointed under the
act, entitled, An act refpecting the punifhment of criminals, paffed at Novem-
ber seffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, and which might have been law-
fully exercifed by them, or any of them, either in court or in vacation.
Part of an act
repealed, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That fo much of the act, entitled, A fupplement to
the act for the eftablifhment of a night watch, and the erection of lamps, in
Baltimore-town, as impofes the levying and collecting of a tax on the dwelling-
houfes, ftore-houfes and warehoufes, in the faid town, fhall be and the fame is
hereby repealed, and the juftices of the faid court fhall, in lieu thereof, levy in
each year, during the continuance of this act, on the affeffable property of Balti-
more-town, a fum, in addition to the funds provided by law, which fhall be fuf-
ficient for the fupport of the faid watch, and the erection of lamps, within the
faid town, to be collected in the manner directed by the aforefaid fupplementary