J O H N H. S T O N E, Efquire, Governor.
V. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners of the faid town, or a major
part of them, fhall have full power to employ a clerk, who fhall be under oath,
fairly and honeftly to enter into a book, to be kept for that purpofe, all the pro-
ceedings of the faid commiffioners relating to the faid town, in which book,
among other things, fhall be kept a fair plot of the laid town, defcribing every
lot by its number, and who the taker up or purchafer was or fhall be; and the
faid books fhall always be open to the infpection and examination of the faid
ers to employ
a clerk.
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a major part of them,
are empowered to levy, affefs and take, by way of diftrefs if needful, from the
inhabitants of the town, by even and equal proportion, the fum of ten pounds
current money yearly, to be paid to their clerk, and alfo they fhall have power
to remove or difplace their clerk as often as they fhall think fit.
And levy mo-
ney, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That the parcel of ground fo as aforefaid laid out by
the faid George Gale into lots, when furveyed by the commiffioners aforefaid,
fhall be, for ever hereafter called and known by the name of Chefapeake.
An ACT to alter the public road leading from Miles river ferry
through the lands of Jacob Loockerman, of Talbot county.
WHEREAS it has been reprefented to this general affembly, by the pe-
tition of Jacob Loockerman, of Talbot county, that the public road
leading from Miles river ferry through his lands operates greatly to
his prejudice: And whereas it appears that the alteration of the faid road will
meet with the approbation of many individuals immediately affected by the faid
alteration, and that the fame cannot injure the public; therefore,
Ground call-
ed Chefa-
Paffed De-
cember 24.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That William Hay-
ward, Perry Benfon, junior, and William Dawfon, or any two of them, be and
they are hereby appointed commiffioners, to alter and change the faid public road
that leads from Miles river ferry through the lands of the faid Jacob Loocker-
man, of Talbot county; and in order for that purpofe the faid commiffioners, or
any two of them, are hereby authorifed and empowered to lay off a road, not
exceeding thirty-two feet wide, and alfo a fpace of ground fufficient for a landing
by the water fide, not exceeding half an acre, the fame to be laid off where the
faid commiffioners fhall think moft convenient and proper on the faid Loocker-
man's land, and the faid road to be laid off as aforefaid fhall begin at the faid
landing, and to be laid off on the faid Loockerman's land until it interfects the
land of John Gordon, and from thence on the divifion line of the lands of the
faid Jacob, Loockerman and the faid John Gordon one hundred and fixteen
perches, and from thence fouth forty degrees weft one hundred and fixteen
perches, till it interfects the public road now leading to Miles river ferry; and the
faid commiffioners, or any two of them, are hereby authorifed and empowered
to afcertain and value what damage may arife to any perfon through whofe land
the faid road may pafs, and the faid Loockerman is hereby required to pay into
the hands of the faid commiffioners, for the ufe of the perfon or perfons in whofe
favour fuch valuation may be made, immediately upon the laying out of the faid
road, and before the fame is opened, whatever damages may be fo as aforefaid
adjudged to the perfon or perfons fuftaining fuch damage; and the faid road and
landing, laid out and opened as aforefaid, fhall thereafter be confidered as a public
road and landing, and kept up at the public expence.
ers appointed,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or any two of them, are
hereby authorifed and required to make, or caufe to be made, a plot of the faid
road and landing, to be laid off as aforefaid, and endorfe on the fame a certificate
of the valuation money having been paid to the proprietor of the land aforefaid,
and fhall return the fame, under their hands and feals, to the clerk of the coun-
ty court, to be by him recorded, which fhall for ever thereafter be fufficient
Who fhall
make a plot,