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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 77   View pdf image
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A LIST of the LAWS paffed laft SESSION.

A Supplement to an act, entitle, An act refpecting the continuance of civil fuits in the general

and county courts.                                                                                                                                   VI.

An ACT to confirm the proceedings of Caroline county levy court, and to extend the time for the  VII.

late collector of faid county to complete his collections and receive the arrearages due therein.     VII.

An ACT to authorife and empower the affociate juftices of Caroline county court to call a court

before the time to which the fame ftands adjourned,                                                                 VIII.

An ACT for the eftabliftment of a market for the fa!e of live ftock at Weftminfter-town, in Fre-
derick county.                                                                                                  IX.

An ACT to alter the time of holding the levy courts in the feveral counties therein mentioned.    X.

An ACT to compel the attendance of the members of the general affembly. .                               XI.

An ACT to extend the public road leading from Herring Creek, in Worcefter county, to the 

north end of Synepuxent.                                                                                                        XII

An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court of Calvert county.                         XIII.

An ACT to alter the mode of collecting the county tax in Harford county.                                       XIV.

An ACT to empower Philip Reed to collect the balances due him as fheriff and collector of Kent 

An ACT to allow further time for collecting the balances due to Jonathan Seney, former fheriff

and collector of Queen-Anne's county, deceafed.                                                                     XVI.
An ACT to enable the juftices of the levy court of Queen-Anne's county to fell and convey

property therein mentioned, and for other purpofes.,                                                                XVII.

A Further fupplement to an aft, entitled, An act for the eftablifhment of felect veftries.             XVII.

As ACT for the weighing of hay and cording of wood in Elkton, Caecil county.                         XIX.
An ACT to form a new parish, by the name of Wafhington parifh, to include the city of

Washington and George-town, on Patowmack.                                                                        XX.

An ACT to enable Legh Mafter, of Frederick county, to devife certain eftates therein mentioned.  XXI.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Montgomery county taffefs and levy

annually a fum of money for the purpofes therein mentioned.                                                    XXII.

An ACT to erect a town in Queen-Anne's county.                                                                     XXIII.

An ACT to extend the time for the collection of the county tax of Saint-Mary's county.             XXIV.
An ACT relating to the clerks, fheriffs and regifters of wills, in the feveral counties therein

named.                        XXV.

An ACT for the incorporation of Cokefbury college, at Abingdon, in Harford county.               XXVI.
An ACT to ratify an amendment of the conftitution of the United States of America, propofed

by congrefs to the legiflatures of the feveral ftates.                                                                    XXVII.
An ACT to lay a further tax on Caecil county to complete the court-houfe, prifon and prifen

yard, at Elkton.                                                                                                                      XXVIII.

An ACT relating to the Patowmack Company, and the navigation of the Patowmack River XXIX.
A Further fupplement to an aft refpefting the fettlers on the, referred lands weftward of Fort

Cumberland.                                                                                                                           XXX.

An ACT for the deftruction of crows in Saint-Mary's county.                                                      XXXI.
An ACT to compel owners of houfes in Frederick-town, and its additions, to furnifh jack

leathern buckets.                                                                                                                     XXXII.

An ACT for the benefit of Thomas Clarke.                                                                                XXXIII.

An ACT to repeal and alter a part of an act of affembly therein mentioned.                                XXXIV.

An ACT further extending the time for making returns of certain certificates and plots.                 XXXV.
An ACT to change the furname of Stephen Cole, of Baltimore county, to that of Gill.
An ACT authorifmg and directing the judge of the land office on the wellern fhore of this

ftate to iffue patents for certain lands therein fpecified to Charles Steuart and James M'Culloch,

furvivins; executors of the teftament and laft will of James Dick, late of Anne-Arundel coun-

ty, deceafed.                 

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Session Laws, 1794
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