introduced, ufed or practifed, by the courts of law or equity in this ftate, that order may be taken
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern Chore pay unto John Lee, of Washington coun-
ty, the fum of four pounds ten (hillings, for one day's attendance as a witnefs for the ftate, at Octo-
ber term, feventeen hundred and ninety-four, and itinerant charges, which was not returned to the
committee of claims, and is not allowed in the journal of accounts.
RESOLVED, That an order drawn by the executive upon the treafury of the weftern fhore
for the fum of forty-five pounds, in favour of Jofias W. King, for fervices rendered as affiftant
clerk of the council, ought to be and the fame is hereby confirmed.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and re-
quired to pay to the adjutant-general of this ftate for the time being, the fum of two hundred
pounds current money, in quarterly payments, provided the faid adjutant-general refide or keep an
office at the feat of government.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requefted to caufe the laws
paffed this feffion to alter any parts of the conftitution or form of government to be publifhed in the
Maryland Gazette, fome one of the Baltimore papers, and Eafton paper, at leaft three months pre-
vious to the next election of delegates to the general affembly.
RESOLVED, That the agent of the ftate immediately demand a return of the amount of the
2f6 tax for the year feventeen hundred and ninety-one from the commiffioners of the tax in thofe
counties where the fame hath not been returned, and report to the next feffion of afiembly fuch as
refufe to make return.
RESOLVED, That the agent be inftructed to put in fuit the bonds of the clerks of the refpective
counties who have heretofore neglected, or who may hereafter neglect to pay the taxes by them re-
ceived for ordinary, retailers and marriage licences, on the day appointed for payment of the fame,
and in no cafe to remit the penalty of fifteen per cent, impofed by law, and accruing on fuch their
neglect of payment.
RESOLVED, That the agent reduce to bond, as fpeedily as poffible, all balances on open account
due to the ftate in cafes where the fame is practicable.
Resolved, That the agent immediately call on the fupervifors of the roads of the feveral counties
of this ftate, who have before the firft day of January, 1785, received advances of public money,
and omitted to account therefor, to render an immediate account of their receipts and difburfements,
with the balance remaining due, and the faid agent is hereby directed to report thereon to the ge-
neral affembly, at their next feffion.
WHEREAS the committee of claims have fhort added the account of Charles Nutter the fum of
ten pounds on the journal of accounts, RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to
the faid Charles Nutter the faid fum often pounds.
RESOLVED, That the governor be requefted to caufe fuch temporary repairs to be made to the
government building and garden, upon the moft ceconomical plan, as fhall prevent them from going
to immediate decay and ruin; and the treafurer is hereby authorifed and requefted to pay a fum of
money, not exceeding one hundred and fifty pounds, to the order of the governor and council, to
be applied for that purpofe.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay unto Allen B. Duckett the fum of
twenty-two pounds ten {hillings current money, for his attention and fervices at the table during this
feffion as affiftant clerk.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered
to draw orders on the treafurer of the weftern fhore for all falaries of the civil officers fixed by law,
and payable by the faid treafurer; for all accounts paffed bv the auditor-general, againft this ftate,
and approved by the executive, which may have arifen due by any exifting law of this ftate; and for
any fum of money, not exceeding five hundred pounds, that may be neceffary to pay the expences
and incidental charges of government; and the treafurer is hereby directed to lay before the next ge-
neral afiembly enfuing fuch expenditure, a particular account of all monies him to the orders
of the governor and council under this refolution, to defray the incidental expences of government.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to pay unto
William Slade, of Harford county, thirty-one pounds leven fhillings and one penny, out of any un-
appropriated money in the treafury.
A L I S T of the LAWS paffed laft SESSIO N
AN ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the council for the enfuing earning year, I.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court of Queen-Anne's county. II.
An ACT for annulling the marriage of Schoolfield Parker, of Worcefter county, and Sarah his wife. III.
An ACT for building a new prifion in Worcefter county. IV.
An ACT to empower Micajah Merryman, father and guardian of Sarah Merryman, Mofes Mer-
ryman, Eleanor Merryman, Mary Merryman and Micajah Merryman, infants, to demife the
real eftate therein mentioned. V.
A Supplement