Section re-
pealed, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid for-
tieth fection of the conftitution and form of government be repealed, and any
officer mentioned in the fame fortieth fection fhall be removed for mifbehaviour,
on conviction in a court of law, and may be removed by the governor, upon the
addrefs of the general affembly, provided that two thirds of all the members of
each houfe concur in fuch addrefs.
When to take
III. This act to take place on its being confirmed by the general affembly after
the next election of delegates, in the firft feffion after fuch new election, accord-
ing to the conftitution and form of government.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
Governor to
two perfons,
An ACT refpecting the punifhment of criminals.
Be it enacted, By the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may
be lawful for the governor, by and with the advice and confent of the
council, to commiffion two perfons of integrity, experience and know-
ledge, refiding in Baltimore-town, who fhall be affiftant juftices of Baltimore
county court, and fhall be fo ftyled in the commiffion, and the perfons fo com-
miffioned fhall be and hereby are invefted with all and fingular the jurifdictions,
powers and authorities, that may lawfully be exercifed by affociate juftices of faid
court, except that they fhall fit in court for the exercife of criminal jurifdiction
only; and the faid affiftant juftices fhall hold their commiffions during good be-
haviour, and may be removed for misbehaviour, in the fame manner as the chan-
cellor and judges may be removed, agreeably to the conftitution of this ftate, and
not otherwife.
Court to meet
in January,
II And be it enacted, That Baltimore county court, or any three or more of
the juftices thereof, be and they are hereby empowered and required to meet on
the fecond Tuefday in the months of January, March and August, and on the
third Tuefday in November, in every year, for the trial of all felonies, crimes,
offences and mifdemeanors, committed, or that hereafter may be committed, in
Baltimore county, and not particularly by law directed to be tried in the general
Powers, &c.
invefted, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That all and fingular the jurifdictions, powers and
authorities, veiled in the court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Balti-
more county by the act, entitled, An act refpecting the punishment of criminals,
paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, fhall be and they
are hereby invefted in, and may be rightfully exercifed by, Baltimore county
court, or the juitices thereof, at their fittings herein before mentioned, or ad-
journments of the fame, and not otherwife.
Expences to
be paid, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the expences attending the execution of this act
fhall be paid by Baltimore county, and fhall be affeffed by the faid justices, and
collected with the county affeffment.
Chief juftice's
falary, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That the faid chief juitice of Baltimore county cou.
from and after the paffing of this act, and during the continuance thereof, fhall
receive at the rate of two hundred pounds current money per annum, as a com-
penfation for his additional trouble and labour in executing the duties on him
impofed by this act; and the affociate justices fhall each of them receive twenty
fhillings per day for their fervices in court; and after the firft day of May next
the chief juftice of the faid court fhall refide in Baltimore-town, or its precincts,
and in cafe the faid chief juftice fhould not refide in Baltimore-town, or its pre-
cinds, as aforefaid, that then and in fuch cafe, he fhall not be entitled to any part
of the additional compenfaticn allowed by this act for his additional trouble and
Claufes, &c.
to continue,
VL And be it enacted, That all and fingular the claufes, fections and pro-
vifions, contained in the act paffed at the laft feffion of affembly, entitled, An
act refpecting the punishment of criminals, except fo much thereof as relates to,