JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
II. Be it enacted, by toe General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the levy court of Caecil county be and they are hereby empowered and directed to
levy and affefs, if they fhall deem it neceffary, at their next levy court, and fo
per annum thereafter, on the affeffable property of faid countv, the additional fum
of two hundred pounds, together with the collector's commiffions for collecing
the fame; which fum, fo affeffed and levied, fhall be collected by the collector
of faid county annually, and paid, over to the truftees of the poor, or their order,
in the fame manner as the fum of four hundred pounds heretofore levied for faid
poor hath been levied and paid.
III. This act to continue for three years, and until the end of the next feffion
of affembly that fhall happen thereafter.
Juftices to le-
vy money.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to empower the com-
miffioners of Baltimore-town to make a correct furvey of the
faid town, and for other purpofes therein mentioned.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the commiffioners
of Baltimore-town, or a major part of them, are authorifed, in their dif-
cretion, on application of the proprietor or proprietors of any wharf or
parcel of ground made and extended into the waters of Patapfco River from any
lot or lots of Baltimore-town, or upon the application of the major part of fuch
proprietors, to cauie the fame to be furveyed and faid out into ftreets, lanes, lots
and alleys, and to return to the clerk of Baltimore-town correct plots and certi-
ficates thereof, and to have the fame entered on record among the records of the
faid town, there to remain as evidence of the boundaries, fituation and location,
of the faid lots, ftreets, lanes and alleys, and when the fame fhall be done, the
faid land, fo furveyed and faid out, fhall be, and is hereby declared to be, part of
Baltimore-town, as fully and amply as if included originally therein, and fhall
have the fame immunities and privileges as the reft of the faid town has, or by
former laws ought to have.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
ers may cauie
any wharf,
&c. to be fur-
veyed, &c.
II. And be it enacted, That the fifth fection of the act of which this is a fup-
plement be and is hereby repealed.
Section re-
An ACT for the relief of Cornelius Weft, of Talbot county.
WHEREAS it appears by the petition of Cornelias Weft, that he con-
traded with the commiffioners for building a new court-houfe at
Eafton, in Talbot county, for the accommodation of the general
court for the eaftern fhore, and the county of Talbot: And whereas it appears,
that after making the faid contract, the price of materials, provifions and labour,
took a fudden rife, by which means the money contracted for did not pay more
than the materials and workmen, leaving nothing for his own labour and ex-
pences for near three years: And whereas it is juft and reafonable that the faid
Cornelius Weft fhould have a compenfation for his labour and expences;
Paffed De-
cember 26,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly, That the juftices of
Talbct countv be authorifed and empowered to levy, on the affeffable property of
the faid county, a fum not exceeding one hundred and fifty pounds current mo-
ney, to be paid to the faid Cornelius Weft, or his order.
An ACT to repeal the fortieth fection of the conftitution and
form of government.
WHEREAS the fortieth fecton of the conftitution and form of govern-
ment has been confidered by fome as inconfiftent wim the thirtieth
fection of the declaration of rights, and great inconvenience and in-
jury to the public and individuals may refult from officers of government being
removable only for mifbehaviour, on conviction in a court of law;
II. Be
Paffed De-
cember 26.