the treafurer of the weftern fhore, fix hundred pounds; the treafurer of the eaftern
fhore, one hundred and fifty pounds; the auditor, two hundred pounds; the clerk
of the council, two hundred and fifty pounds; the clerk of the fenate, fifty
pounds; the clerk of the houfe of delegates, one hundred pounds; the printer to the
ftate, four hundred and fifty pounds; the meffenger to the council, fifty pounds.
Monies to be
f<rft applied,
III. And be it enacted, That all monies which fhall remain in the treafury,
after difcharging the journal of accounts, and all monies heretofore appropriated
to the ufe of congrefs, which fhall hereafter be received, and all unappropriated
money which may come into the treafury, be firft applied to the payment of the
civil lift for the enfuing year.
Failed De-
cember 26.
A Further fupplement to an act, entitled, An act for enlarging the
power of the high court of chancery.
WHEREAS it frequently occurs, that perfons refiding out of this ftate,
and beyond the reach of any of the procefs of the courts thereof,
have lands, tenements or hereditaments, within this ftate, which
they hold or claim by devife or defcent, and the perfon or perfons from whom
they derive their title to the fame have contracted debts within this ftate, or with
fome of the citizens thereof, for the payment of which the faid real eftate is or
ought to be chargeable, and there is no remedy for the recovery of the faid debts,
which juftice requires; therefore,
In cafes where
are feized of
lands, &c.
may decree,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in all cafes
where any perfon or perfons, nonrefidents of this ftate, now is or are, or fhall
hereafter be, feized or poffeffed, or have any right or title to any lands, tenements
or hereditaments, within this ftate, by devife or defcent, and the perfon or per-
fons from whom fuch title is or fhall be derived has contracted, or may contract,
any debt or debts within this ftate, or with any of the citizens thereof, the chan-
cellor of this ftate, upon the application of any fuch creditor or creditors, and
fuch notice thereof being given as he fhall direct, fhall have full power and au-
thority, if the claim of fuch creditor or creditors fhall be eftablifhed, and it fhall
appear to the chancellor to be juft and proper, upon confideration of all circum-
itances, that fuch debt or debts fhould be paid by a fale of fuch real eftate fo de-
vifed or defcending, to order and decree the whole, or any part thereof, to be fold
for the payment of fuch creditor or creditors, in fuch manner, and upon fuch
terms, as the chancellor, in his difcretion, fhall think proper; and the chancel-
lor in all fuch cafes fhall have the fame power and authority as he hath in other
cafes by the act to which this is a fupplement.
Where per-
fons die feized
without heirs,
&c. chancel-
lor may or-
der and de-
cree, &c.
III. And, whereas many perfons die poffeffed of, or claim, land within this
ftate, and have only an equitable title to the fame, without leaving any known
heir or devifee who can inherit the faid land, whereby the creditors of fuch per-
fons, in default of other affets, are without remedy for the recovery of fuch debts,
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in cafe any perfon
feized or poffeffed of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, in this ftate, or
having an equitable right, title or intereft therein, hath died, or fhall die, with-
out leaving any known heir or devifee capable of inheriting or taking the fame,
and without leaving a fufficient perfonal eftate for the payment of his or her debts
contracted within this ftate, or with any of the citizens thereof, the chancellor fhall
have full power and authority, upon the application of any fuch creditor or cre-
ditors, and fuch notice thereof being given as he fhall direct, if the claim of fuch
creditor or creditors fhall be eftablifhed to his fatisfaction, to order and decree the
whole of fuch real eftate to be fold for payment of fuch creditor or creditors,
in fuch manner, and upon fuch terms, as the chancellor in his difcretion fhall
think proper, and after payment and fatisfaction of fuch creditor or creditors, and
the cofts of fuch fuit, to order and decree the furplus arifing from fuch fale to be
paid into the treafury for the ufe of the ftate; and the chancellor in all fach cafes
fhall have the fame power and authority as he hath in other cafes by the act to
which this is a fupplement.
IV. And