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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 59   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


the juftices of faid county have been of opinion, that fuch parts of the roads as
are comprehended m the town are excluded, and have refuted to apply any of the
taxes levied by them in purfuance of faid act towards the repair and maintenance
of fuch parts of faid roads: And whereas the evident intent of the legiflature in
training the faid part of the faid aft, was that the faid roads fhould pafs through
faid town;



II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the peace for faid county, in court fitting, fhall appropriate fuch part of the
taxes already levied, and hereafter to be levied, by virtue of faid act, towards the
repair and maintenance of fuch parts of faid roads as are comprehended within
the limits of faid town, as fhall appear to them to be juft and reafonable, taking
all circumftances into due confederation.

Juftices to ap-


taxes, &c.

An ACT refpecting the indenting of deeds.

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That indenting fhall
not be neceffary to the validity of any deed which fhall be made after the
paffage of this aft, any law, ufage or cuftom, to the contrary notwith-

Paffed De-
cember 25.
Indenting not


An additional fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide
for the appointment of commiffioners for the regulation and
improvement of Eafton, in Talbot county, and to eftablifh and
regulate a market in the faid town.

Paffed De-

cember 26.

WHEREAS the powers of the commiffioners of Eafton are by feveral
acts of affembly heretofore paffed confined to the limits and bounda-
ries of the faid town, and as the inhabitants of Eafton have, at their
own expence, built a wharf at a place called Town Point, and it is reasonable to
invert the conimiffioners of the faid town with a power of making any regulations
that they may deem neceffary, either with refpeft to the faid wharf, or the road
now faid off and eftablifhed as a public road down to the fame wharf; therefore,


II. Be it enacted, by the General Ajjemhly of Maryland, That from and after
the paffage of this law, the commiffioners of the faid town of Eafton fhall and
they are hereby authorifed and required to make fuch regulations with regard to
the faid road and wharf as they in their judgment fhall deem expectient and ne-


III. And be it enacted, That at the next election of conimiffioners for the faid
town there fhall be elected four additional commiffioners, fo as to make the num-
ber hereafter nine inftead of five commiffioners,. which faid commiffioners fhall
arrange themfelves in claffes, and three of their number, from time to time here-
after, fhall go out, and the like number be re-elected in their ftead, at the fame
time, and in the like manner, as the faid elections are regulated by the law to
which this is a fupplement, and all provisions in the faid law incompatible here-
with, are hereby declared to be repealed and annulled.

Four additi-

onal commif-

fioners to be

elected, &c.

An ACT to pay the civil lift and other expences of civil govern-

WHEREAS thofe who dedicate their time, abilities and labour, to the
public, ought to receive a reafonable and adequate compeniation for
their fervices;

Paffed De-

cember 26.


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the following

officers of civil government for the time being, fhall be entitled to receive at the
rate of the following falaries, in current money, for the enfuing year, to wit:



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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 59   View pdf image
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