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Session Laws, 1794
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Marriage de-

cLared void.


II. Be it enacted, By the General Affembly of Maryland, That the marriage
of the faid Schoolfield Parker, and Sarah his wife, be, and the fame is hereby
declared to be, abfolutely and to all purpofes null and void.

Paffed De-
cember 26.



An ACT for building a new prifon in Worcefter county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that there is no
other than a much decayed prifon in Worcefter county for the recep-
tion of debtors or felons, which is very injurious to the peace and
fecurity of the faid county; therefore,

Juftices to le-
vy moneY,

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and
may be lawful for the juftices of Worcefter county, and they are hereby au-
thorifed and required, to affefs and levy, at two equal affeffments in the years
feventeen hundred and ninety-five and feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, a fum
not exceeding fix hundred pounds current money, together with the Sheriff's
compenfation of fix per cent. for collecting the fame; which faid monies, fo to
be affeffed and levied, fhall be collected by the faid fheriff of Worcefter county
for the time being from the inhabitants of faid county, and others having pro-
perty therein, in the fame manner as other public levies and county affeffments
are by law collected.

crs appointed,


III. And be it enacted, That Meffieurs Samuel Handy, James R. Morris,
and William Selby, (S. H.) fhall be and they are hereby appointed commif-
fioners to fuperintend the building a new prifon at Snow Hill, in the county
aforefaid, on the public ground that has been heretofore appropriated for the ufe
of a court-houfe and prifon, on fuch part of the faid ground, and of fuch ma-
terials, as the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, fhall think proper;
and that the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, are hereby empowered
to contrail for materials, and agree with workmen, to build and finifh the faid
prifon, which, when completed, fhall, by the faid commiffioners, be put into
the cuftody and poffeffion of the fheriff of Woreefter county for the time being,
and fo fhall remain and continue in the cuftody and poffeffion of fuch fheriff,
and his fucceffors, as a public prifon for Worcefter county.

Who are to
call on the
fheriff, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners aforefaid, or a majority of
them, be and they are hereby authorifed, on the twentieth day of October,
one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five, and feventeen hundred and ninety-
fix, to call on the fheriff of the faid county to pay the fum fo levied, which the
faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorifed to receive, and
to give acquittance therefor, and apply the fame, or fo much thereof as may be
neceffary, to build and complete the faid prifon.

And lay be-
fore the juf-
tices a fair ac-
count, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners fhall lay before the juf-
tices of the peace of the county aforefaid, at the levy court annually, a fair and
diftinct account of all monies by them received and expended for the purpofe
aforefaid, and the furplus, if any, after completing the buildings aforefaid, fhall
be applied towards defraying the county charges; and if the faid commiffioners
fhall refufe or neglect to render fuch account, or upon fuch account being had
and rendered fhall neglect or refufe to pay over the balance in their hands to fuch
perfon or perfons, and to fuch ufes, as the faid juftices of Worcefter county fhall
order and direct, that the faid commiffioners, or either of them, fhall be liable
to be fued in the faid county court, in the name of the ftate of Maryland, in an
action for money had and received to the ufe of the ftate, in which action proof
of the receipt of the faid money by the defendant fhall be fufficient to fupport
the faid action, and fuch fum of money, recovered in the faid action or actions,
fhall and may be received by the juftices of the faid county, and applied by them
in manner herein before direded.

Their allow-

VI. And be it enacted, That each commiffioner, for every day he fhall necef-
farily attend on the duty of his appointment, fhall be allowed a fum not exceed-

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Session Laws, 1794
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