of MARYLAND, begun and held at the City of
Annapolis on Monday the third of November,
and ended the twenty-feventh Day of December,
in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hun-
dred and ninety.four, the following LAWS were
enacted :
JOHN HOSKINS STONE, Efquire, Governor.
An ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the
council for the enfuing year.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That each member of
the council fhall be entitled to receive, for the enfuing year, the fum of
one hundred and fifty pounds current money for his falary.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
Salary afcer-
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court
of Queen-Anne's county.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the orphans
court of Queen-Anne's county flood adjourned to the fecond Tuefday
of December laft, and that from the death of one, the refignation of
another, and the abfence of the third juftice, the faid court was not called and
adjourned, whereby all procefs and proceedings in faid court were difcontinued;
for remedy whereof,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That every action,
procefs and proceeding, depending in the faid court on the fecond Tuefday of
December aforefaid, fhall be and is hereby revived and continued, and fhall be in
the fame ftate and condition, to all intents and purpofes, as the fame would have
been in if the faid court had met on the faid fecond Tuefday of December laft,
and the faid pleas, procefs and proceedings, had been duly continued by regular
and lawful adjournments from time to time.
Actions, &c.
revived, &c.
III. And, whereas the prefent juftices of faid court, notwithftanding the dis-
continuance aforefaid, have fince tranfacted the ordinary bufinefs of faid court;
therefore, Be it enacted, That all the rules, judgments, ads, procefs and pro-
ceedings, made and rendered by the juftices of faid court, fince the faid fecond
Tuefday of December laft, either in cafes then depending or fince commenced,
fhall be and are hereby made as valid and effectual as if the faid court had met at
the time to which the fame ftood adjourned.
Rules, &c.
made valid,
An ACT for annulling the marriage of Schoolfield Parker, of
Worcefter county, and Sarah his wife.
WHEREAS Schoolfield Parker, of Worcefter county, by his petition
to this general affembly hath let forth, that his wife Sarah hath been
conviaed of adultery, and bearing a mulatto child, and in confe-
quence of her faid conviction, his faid wife was condemned to fervitude, and
fold, agreeably to the act of affembly in fuch cafes provided, and prayed an act:
might pafs annulling his faid marriage with his faid wife, and the facts alleged
have been proved by certified copies from the records of Worcefter county court;
Paffed De-
cember 26.
II, Be