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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 28   View pdf image
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Paffed De-
cember 26.

An ACT authorising and directing the judge of the land-office
on the weftern fhore of this ftate to iffue patents for certain
lands therein fpecified to Charles Steuart and James M'Culloch,
furviving executors of the teftament and laft will of James
Dick, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceafed.

Judge to or-
der patents to
iffue, &c.

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the judge of the
land-office on the weftern fhore of this ftate be and he is hereby autho-
rifed and directed to order patents to iffue to Charles Steuart and James
M'Culloch, or the furvivor of them, or the heirs of fuch furvivor, on the cer-
tificates heretofore returned to the faid land-office by and in the name of a certain
Anthony Stewart, formerly of this ftate, for the following trads or parcels of
land, to wit: One tract called Deer Park, containing two thoufand acres of
land, one other trad: called Much to do about Nothing, containing fix hundred
and twelve acres of land, and one other trad called The Stoney Ridge, con-
taining three hundred and eighty-eight acres of land.

Land to fee
difpofed of,

II. And be it enacted, That when patents as aforefaid fhall have iffued to
the faid Charles Steuart and James M'Culloch, or the furvivor of them, or the
heirs of fuch furvivor, they the faid Charles Steuart and James M'Culloch, or
the furvivor of them, or the heirs of fuch furvivor, fhall be and are hereby
authorifed and empowered to difpofe of the faid land, and to execute conveyances
in fee-fimple to the purchafer or purchafers of the fame.

For the pay-
ment of debts.

III. And be it enacted, That all monies arifing from the fale of the faid lands,
or any of them, fhall be appropriated by the faid Charles Steuart and James
M'Culloch, or the furvivor of them, or the heirs of fuch furvivor, to the pay-
ment of the debts of the aforefaid James Dick and Anthony Stewart, and to no
other ufe or purpofe whatfoever.

Failed De-
cember 26.


A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to extend the feveral
ftreets in Baltimore-town therein mentioned.
WHEREAS the affeffment of damages directed to be made by feven
jurors under the act to which this is a fupplement, was duly made,
and a certificate thereof, under their hands and feals, was made out
and delivered to Jeffe Hollingfworth, to be by him returned to the clerk of Bal-
timore county: And whereas the faid certificate was confumed by fire, and one of
the faid jurors having fince died, and it being certified on oath that the faid de-
eeafed juror did fign and execute the faid certificate of affeffment; whereof,


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the valuation
and affeffment of damages, made by the jurors fummoned in virtue of the act to
which this is a fupplement, fhall be and is hereby confirmed, and a certificate
thereof, under the hands and feals of the furviving jurors, fhall be returned to
the clerk of Baltimore county court, and fhall be as valid and effedual as if the
fame had been returned in the manner required by the faid original act.

Paffed De-
cember 26.


An ACT to incorporate the Baltimore equitable fociety for in-
furing houfes from lofs by fire.
WHEREAS the Baltimore equitable fociety for infuring houfes from
lofs by fire, are defirous of adopting the following deed of fettlement,
and articles of allocation; that is to fay, To all to whom thefe prefents
fhall come, we whole names are hereunto fubfcribed, and feals affixed, do fe-
verally fend, greeting. Whereas we have taken into confideration the danger to
which houfes are expofed by fire, and the calamitous consequences refulting there-
from; now know ye, that we the fubfcribers hereunto, have unanimouily agreed
to remedy, fo far as in our power lies, thofe evils, by each indemnifying the

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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 28   View pdf image
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