JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
VI. And be it enacted, That one or two only of the faid commiffioners fhall,
in the abfence of the others, have the fame power of adjourning that is now
vefted in a majority of them.
One may ad-
An ACT further extending the time for making returns of cer-
tain certificates and plots.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
WHEREAS by an act paffed November feffion, feventeen hundred and
eighty-five, entitled, An act afcertaining the mode of granting titles
to the purchafcrs of certain confifcated property, it is enacted, that
any certificates and plots of furvey, which fhall or may be returned to the re-
gifter of the land-office for the weftern fhore on or before the firft day of January,
in the year feventeen hundred and eighty-feven, by any perfon who has been ap-
pointed by the intendant to furvey any of the aforefaid lands, fhall be received by
the examiner-general, and be of the fame validity as if they had been executed
and returned by the furveyor of the county: And whereas by an act paffed
November feiiion, ieventeen hundred and eighty-fix, entitled, An act refpecting
certain certificates and plots, it is enacted, that any certificates and plots of furvey,
which fhall or may be returned to the regifter of the land-office on or before the
fifteenth day of April next, fhall be received by the examiner-general, and be of
the fame validity as if they had been executed and returned agreeably to the time
mentioned in the act above in part recited; And whereas by an act, entitled, An
act to extend the time for making returns of certain certificates and plots, paffed
at April feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty feven, a further time for returning
certificates and plots was given: And whereas it appears that feveral or the cer-
tificates and plots have not been returned, agreeably to the laft above in part re-
cited act; therefore,
II. And be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That any certificates
and plots which fhall or may be returned to the regifter of the land-office for tfie
weftern iliore on or before the firft day of December next, fhall be received by
the examiner-general, and be of the fame validity as if they had been executed
and returned agreeably to the time mentioned in the laft act above in part re-
may be re-
ceived, &c.
An ACT to change the furname of Stephen Cole, of Baltimore
county, to that of Gill.
WHEREAS Stephen Cole, of Baltimore county, hath reprefented to
this general affembly, that he was born prior to the intermarriage of
his father Stephen Gill, fon of John, with his mother, whofe
maiden name was Cole, from whence he acquired the name of his mother, in-
ftead of that of his father, by whofe name he is defirous of being known and
diftinguifhed hereafter: And whereas alfo it appears, that Stephen Gill, the
father, is alfo, defirous that the aforefaid alteration fhould take place in his ion's
name, whom he hath acknowledged as fuch; therefore,
Paffed Dc-
cember 26.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may
be lawful for the faid Stephen Cole from henceforth to take upon himfelf the
furname of Gill, inftead of that of Cole; and alfo for the children and de-
fcendants of the faid Stephen Cole to take upon himfelf, herfelf and themfelves,
the furname of Gill; and that all fecurities, promifes, contracys, affurances,
deeds and lawful ads whatfoever, heretofore made, or hereafter to be made,
by or to the faid Stephen Cole, by the name of Gill, fhall be of the fame
force and effect, and equally avail, to all intents and purpofcs, as if the name
of Gill had been the true and proper furname of the faid Stephen Cole from
his birth, any law, ftatute or cuftom, to the contrary in anywife notwithstand-
S. Cole to
take the name
of Gill, &c.