C H A P.
the tranfgreffor fhall refide, with cofts of warrant, in the name of the com-
miffioners of Elizabeth-town; and it is hereby declared to be the duty of the clerk
of the faid market to take the trouble of recovering the fame.
Suits to be
brought in fix
months, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That if any perfon or perfons fhall be fued for any
thing done in virtue of this act, or the act to which this is a fupplement, the fuit
fhall be brought within fix months from the commiffion of the act, and not after-
wards; and the defendant or defendants, in any fuch fuit, may plead the general
iffue, and give this act and the fpecial matter in evidence.
Part of feveral
acts repealed.
VIII. And be it enacted, That all fuch claufes and parts of the faid acts of
April, feventeen hundred and eighty-three, and November, feventeen hundred
and ninety-one, and the fupplement to this laft act, as are inconfiftent with or
contrary to this act, be and the fame are hereby repealed.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
C H A P. XI.
A Bill, entitled, An ACT for the relief of Walter Smith.
WHEREAS Walter Smith, of Montgomery county, hath reprefented
to this general affembly, that he is now a languifhing prifoner in
Montgomery county gaol, for debts, which, from misfortunes, he is
unable to pay ;
W. Smith en-
titled to cer-
tain benefits,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Walter
Smith be entitled to all the benefits of an act of affembly paffed at November fef-
fion, 1792, entitled, An act for the relief of fundry infolvent debtors, on his
making application to the chancellor, as by faid act is directed and required, on
or before the firft day of April next, and complying in every refpect with the
terms of the faid act; and the faid Walter Smith fhall be fubject to all the pe-
nalties and punifhments impofed and directed by the faid act for any violation
thereof, in the fame manner as if his name had been included in the fame.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to aid the proceedings of Allegany county court, and
for the adjournment of faid court.
WHEREAS the chief juftice, and one of the affociate juftices, of Allega-
ny county court, did not attend the faid court on the third Monday in;
October laft, agreeably to the act appointing the times for holding the
fame: And whereas the affociate juftice who attended the faid court did take fpecial
bail in feveral actions then and there depending, and did alfo take recognizances
from feveral mafters of flaves who had petitioned faid court for freedom: And
whereas the faid court now ftands adjourned to the laft Monday in February next;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the proceedings
of the faid court fhall be and the fame are hereby confirmed and declared to be
equally good and valid, to all intents and purpofes, as if the chief, or two
affociate juftices, of the faid court, had then and there been prefent, any law to
the contrary notwithftanding.
Court further
III. And be it enacted, That the faid court of Allegany county, which now
ftands adjourned to the laft Monday in February next, fhall be and the fame is
hereby further adjourned to the fourth Monday in April next; and all caufes,
pleas, procefs and proceedings, civil and criminal, therein depending, be conti-
nued over to the faid fourth Monday in April next, then and there to be in the
fame plight and condition, in every refpect, as they would be in on the faid laft
Monday in February next, under and in virtue of this act, if this further ad-
journment had not been made.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to open a road through part of Frederick and Baltimore
counties to Lawrence and Dorfey's mills on Patapfco falls,
WHEREAS application has been made to this general affembly, by fun-
dry inhabitants of Baltimore and Frederick counties, that they labour
under great inconveniences for want of a good waggon road to carry their