in width, agreeable to its original location, where the fame has been removed by
individuals, and where the fame can be done with advantage and convenience.
IV. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted, That all cofts, charges and ex-
pences, attending the laying cut, marking and bounding, the aforefaid road, fhall
be paid by the faid petitioners, or fuch of them as fhall be moft benefited thereby;
Road to be
kept in repair,
V. And be it further enacted, That after the faid petitioners, or fuch of them
is are moft benefited in the establishment of the faid road, fhall have ftreightened,
amended, and repaired the fame, under the directions of the commiffioners afore-
faid appointed by virtue of this act, that then the aforefaid road fhall be kept in
repair in the fame manner as other public roads are directed to be kept in repair
in the faid county.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
Juftices to le-
vy money,
An ACT to authorife the juftices of Dorchefter county to affefs
and levy a fum of money on the inhabitants of faid county for
the purpofe therein mentioned.
WHEREAS by an act of affembly paffed in the year one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-two, the juftices of the peace of Dorchefter coun-
ty were empowered and authorifed to levy a fum of money for the
purpofe of repairing and finifhing the court-houfe in the town of Cambridge, in
faid county: And whereas it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the fum
fo levied in virtue of the aforefaid act is infufficient for the purpofes aforefaid ;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of the
peace of Dorchefter county fhall and they are hereby empowered and directed to
affefs and levy, at the requeft of the juftices of Dorchefter county court, and at fuch
time or times as the faid court fhall require, on the affeffable property of Dorchef-
ter county aforefaid, any fum of current money not exceeding one hundred and fifty
pounds, to be applied by the juftices of Dorchefter county court to the making
of fuch additional repairs, alterations and improvements, in the faid court-houfe
as to them fhall feem neceffary for the convenience of the faid court, their of-
ficers, and other perfons attending the faid court.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
C H A P. IX.
A Supplement to the act, entitled. An act to eftablifh a market in
Elizabeth-town, in Wafhington county, and for the regulation
of the fame.
WHEREAS by the faid recited act Henry Shryock, Matthias Need and
Martin Harry, were appointed commiffioners of the faid market, and
the juftices of faid county were empowered to fill up vacancies occa-
fioned among the faid commiffioners by death, removal or resignation: And
whereas two of the faid commiffioners, to wit, Martin Harry and Matthias
Need, have fince died, and no appointment has been made to fill up the vacan-
cies occafioned by their death, and Henry Shryock, the furviving commiffioner,
has been appointed one of the commiffioners of faid town, in purfuance of
the act of November, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, An act to
improve and repair the ftreets in Elizabeth-town, in Wafhington county, and
for other purpofes therein mentioned, by which the commiffioners, under the
laft act, comprehend all the perfons acting as commiffioners under both acts :
And whereas it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the duties of the com-
miffioners under both thefe acts can and may, with convenience, be difcharged
by the commiffioners appointed under the faid act of feventeen hundred and nine-
ty-one, called The Commiffioners of Elizabeth-town, and that it is the wifh of
the inhabitants of faid town that they fhould be invefted with the neceffary powers
for that purpofe; and the fame appearing reafonable,
Powers trans-
ferred, &c,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all the powers,
duties and authorities, given to or required of the faid Henry Shryock, Martin