C H A P.
known, and alfo for the defcendants of the faid minor to take upon themfelves
the furname of Nicholfon, and the name which the faid minor has heretofore
acquired by reputation, of George Wafhington Eyers, fhall be and the fame is
hereby altered and changed into that of George Wafhington Nicholfon; and the
faid minor, and the heirs of his body, fhall, at all times hereafter, be called and
known by, and hold and ufe, the furname of Nicholfon only.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
C H A P. IV.
An ACT for valuing the lot or lots of ground in Upper Marlbo-
rough, in Prince-George's county, on which the infpecting
houfes ftand, and for paying the proprietor the value thereof.
WHEREAS Thomas Contee, of Prince-George's county, by petition to
this general affembly hath fet forth, that he is defirous of felling all
his right, title and intereft, in and to a lot or lots in Upper-Marlbo-
rough, whereon the warehoufes for inflection of tobacco are erected, and prays
that an opportunity may be afforded to the county to take the fame at a reafona-
ble valuation, the county paying to him fuch fum of money as fhall remain, after
deducting from faid valuation all money due from faid warehoufes for building
one of the faid houfes, and repairs done to one or both of them ;
Juftices to ap-
point perfons,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the peace for the faid county are hereby empowered, if they judge it for the in-
tereft of the county, at their next levy court to nominate and appoint three judi-
cious men, freeholders in faid county, to value the faid lot or lots of ground, and
the houfes ftanding thereon; and the perfons, fo nominated and appointed, are
hereby required to make a return to the faid juftices from under their hands of the
value thereof in current money.
And take the
property, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid juftices are hereby authorifed and empow-
ered to take the faid property at the valuation made as aforefaid, and after deducting
therefrom fuch fum of money as may be due to the county from faid property, to
levy on the taxable property in the faid county, at their next levy court which
fhall be held thereafter, fuch balance as may to them appear to be due to the faid
Thomas Contee; and the fum fo levied fhall be collected by the fheriff or col-
lector of faid county, in the fame manner as the county affeffment, and the fhe-
riff or collector fhall tender or pay the fame to the faid Thomas Contee, his exe-
cutors, adminiftrators and affigns; and the faid juftices fhall, immediately after
fuch valuation, caufe fuch land to be furveyed and laid out by the furveyor of
faid county, with good and fufficient boundaries, and a certificate thereof to be
returned and recorded in the county records; and the faid juftices, and their fuc-
ceffors, fhall be and are hereby vefted with an eftate in fee-fimple in the faid pro-
perty, for the ufe of the faid county for ever.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
C H A P. V.
An ACT to prevent fheep and fwine from going at large in the
town of Cumberland, in Allegany county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that fundry per-
fons do raife and keep great numbers of fheep and fwine, and fuffer
them to go and remain at large within the faid town, to the great in-
jury of the inhabitants thereof ;
No perfon to
raife fheep,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That after the end of
this feffion of affembly it fhall not be lawful for any perfon or perfons whatfoever
to raife or keep any fheep or fwine within the faid town, except in enclofures, of
to fuffer any fheep or fwine to go and remain at large therein; and if any fheep
or fwine fhall be found going and remaining at large within the faid town, it
fhall or may be lawful for any perfon or perfons to impound the fame, and fuch
perfons fhall immediately give notice, by advertifements fet up at the moft public
places in faid town, defcribing the fheep or fwine fo impounded, and if the owner
or owners thereof fhall not, within ten days thereafter, prove his or her property