THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
An ACT to eftablifh the right of a lot called Charity Lot, in Eaft-
Nottingham, Caecil county, to truftees, in truft for the inha-
bitants of faid townfhip for the ufe of a fchool.
WHEREAS George Churchman, Hezekiah Rowles and Benjamin
Haugh, of Caecil county, have fet forth by their petition, that they
have been poffeffed of a lot of land in Eaft-Nottingham townfhip,
called Charity Lot, containing eleven acres or thereabouts, in truft for the ufe of
the inhabitants of the faid townfhip for the ufe of a fchool, which lot is part
of the land called Nottingham Lots, granted by their former proprietor William
Penn for that purpofe, and which lot has been occupied as fuch fince, which
through neglect of faid truftees, was omitted to be applied for to the intendant
at the time of the fale of faid lands, which they, the faid truftees, pray may be
confirmed to them, in truft, for the inhabitants of faid townfhip; which prayer
appears to this general affembly to be reafonable and juft; therefore,
Paffed De-
cember 28.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor
do direct the regifter of the land-office to iffue a patent unto George Churchman,
Hezekiah Rowles and Benjamin Haugh, truftees to the charity lot in Eaft-Not-
tingham, and their heirs, for the lot of land above mentioned, to be held by
the faid George Churchman, Hezekiah Rowles and Benjamin Haugh, and their
heirs, in truft, for the fupport of a charity fchool for the ufe of the faid townfhip.
Chancellor to
direct a patent
to iffue, &c.
An ACT to appoint commiffioners to ftreighten ana amend the
roads therein mentioned, and for other purpofes.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
fundry inhabitants of Anne-Arundel and Montgomery counties, that
the road leading from Elk-Ridge Landing by Richard Owing's mill
to Ellicott's road, at or near Mrs. Agnes Gaither's, on Patuxent river, in Anne-
Arundel county, and the road from faid Owing's mill to interfect the road lead-
ing from Green's Bridge, on Patuxent river, to Ellicott's lower mills, at or near
Thomas Howard's blackfmith fhop, require ftreightening and amending ;
Paffed De-
cember 28.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Thomas Wor-
thington, of Nicholas, Henry Ridgely and Henry Howard, or any two of them,
be and they are hereby appointed commiffioners, with full power and authority to
ftreighten and amend the above-mentioned roads.
ers appointed,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, in ftreightening and
amending the faid roads, fhall not exceed fifty feet in the width thereof;
Road to be 50
feet wide.
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or any two of them,
fhall have full power and authority to contract with fome fkilful perfon or per-
fons to erect bridges acrofs the two draughts of Patuxent river, between Elk-
Ridge Landing and Mrs. Agnes Gaither's, at fuch place or places where the faid
road, fo as aforefaid ftreightened and amended, fhall crofs, upon as moderate
terms as can be procured, and the faid contract or contracts, fo agreed upon, fhall
be by the faid commiffioners tranfmitted to the juftices of the levy court of Anne-
Arundel county, at their next fitting, which faid juftices fhall then proceed to
levy on the affeffable property of faid county, the amount of the Aim of money
mentioned in the contract or contracts herein directed to be tranfmitted to them
by the faid commiffioners, which faid fum of money the faid juftices fhall caufe
to be collected by the fheriff of Anne-Arundel county within one year from the
time of the faid levy, and by him to be paid to the faid commiffioners, or their
order, at the expiration of the faid year.
ers to contract,
V. And be it enacted That the faid juftices may allow the fheriff any fum
of money for the collection aforefaid, as they, in their difcretion, may think pro-
per, not exceeding fix per cent.
Allowance for