able to this ad, us follows: Eight dollars by every fubfcriber for each fhare fub-
fcribed by him within one month from the election of the faid directors; ten
dollars by every fubfcriber for each fhare fubfcribed by him in fixty days from the
election of the faid directors; ten dollars by every fubfcriber for each fhare fub-
jcribed by him in fix months from the election of the faid directors; ten dollars
by every fubfcriber for each fhare fubfcribed by him on the firft Monday in June,
in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five; and ten dollars by every
fubfcriber for each fhare fubfcribed by him on the firft Monday in every Tune
thereafter, until the whole payments on each fhare be completed; and if any of
fuch fubfcribers fhall fail to make any of the future payments, he fhall forfeit the
fum or fums by him before paid, for the ufe of the bank, and fhall alfo forfeit
his right to his fubfcription; and the prefident and directors fhall be at liberty to
fell and difpofe of fuch forfeited fhares, for the ufe and benefit of the bank: Pro-
vided neverthelefs, the ftockholders, at the firft general meeting required by this
act, may fufpend, if two thirds of all the attending fhares concur therein, the
payment herein required to be made in fix months from the election of the direc-
tors, and may, at any general meeting required by this act after the year feven-
teen hundred and ninety-four, fufpend the payment herein required to be made in
the year in which fuch meeting fhall be held.
V. And be it enacted That every fubfcriber fhall be entitled to vote by himfelf,
his agent or proxy, appointed under his hand, at all elections in virtue of this act,
and fhall have as many votes as he poffeffes fhares, as far as thirty fhares, and one
vote for every two fhares thereafter as far as fixty fhares, and one vote for every
five fhares thereafter; and every ftockholder may, at his pleafure, transfer his
intereft in any full fhare of one hundred dollars, fuch transfer being made in the
bank books in the prefence, and with the approbation, of the proprietor, or his
lawful attorney, the purchafer then to be entitled to all the rights which the ori-
ginal proprietor enjoyed.
VI. And be it enacted, That as foon as two thoufand fhares fhall be fubfcribed,
the perfons hereby empowered to take in fubfcriptions, or any feven of them,
may call a meeting of the fubfcribers at George-town, after not lefs than four
fucceffive weeks notice in one of the news-papers of each of the following places,
viz. Alexandria, George-town, Annapolis, Baltimore-town, Eafton, Philadel-
phia, and New-York; and the fubfcribers who fhall affemble in confequence
of fuch notice, fhall choofe, by ballot, from among the fubfcribers, by majority
of votes of fuch as may be prefent in perfon, or by proxy, twelve directors, for
the term of one year thereafter, and on the fame day annually for ever thereafter
a like election fhall be made; and in cafe of refufal, death, refignation, difqua-
lification, or removal out of this ftate, of any director, the remaining directors,
at their next meeting thereafter, fhall elect, by ballot, another perfon qualified
as aforefaid in his place, for the refidue of the year: The directors, or any nine of
them, fhall, at their firft meeting after every general election, elect, by a majority
of the members prefent, by ballot, from among the ftockholders, a prefident, who,
whether a director or not, fhall be entitled thereon to all the powers and privileges
of one, and if he was before a director, another director fhall be elected as afore-
faid, fo as to keep up the number of directors prefcribed by this ad, exclufive of
the prefident; and in cafe of refufal, death, refignation, difqualification, or re-
moval out of this ftate, of the prefident, the directors fhall meet as foon as can
be thereafter and elect another perfon for prefident, in the manner before men-
entitled to
vote, &c.
A meeting
may be called,