C H A P.
on Eafter Monday next, or on the firft Monday in any month after the faid
Eafter Monday, in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-four, and there proceed
to choofe veftrymen and churchwardens, in as full and ample a manner as they
would have done under the act aforefaid; and the veftrymen and churchwardens,
when fo chofen, fhall have, and are hereby declared to be vefted with, all the
power and authority of felect veftries under and in virtue of the laws of this ftate,
and fhall be fubject to the fame regulations and penalties.
WHEREAS Gabriel Peterfon Vanhorn and Robert Hodgfon, by their
petition to this general affembly have fet forth, that by reafon of the
late fatal contagion prevalent in Philadelphia, a fufpenfion in the run-
ning of their ftages, under their right heretofore granted them refpectively, necef-
farily took place, in order effectually to prevent the diforder being introduced into
Maryland, and praying an extenfion of faid right: And whereas alfo the com-
mittee of health for the town of Baltimore, have, by their communication to
this affembly, recommended the faid Gabriel Peterfon Vanhorn to the favour
of this houfe, for his cheerful and ready compliance with the meafures adopted
by them as far as he was interefted, and have expreffed their ftrong approbation
of the propriety of the conduct obferved by him in his peculiar fituation, and
have alfo recognifed the facrifice he made for the general welfare; and it appear-
ing to this legiflature that, under the peculiar circumftances exifting in the pre-
fent cafe, that it is reafonable to grant the prayer of the petitioners; therefore,
Exelufive pri-
vilege further
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the fole and ex-
clufive permiffion, privilege and right, given and granted to the faid Gabriel Pe-
terfon Vanhorn, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, for the term of fiver
years, by an act paffed November feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-five, en-
titled, An act to grant to Gabriel Peterfon Vanhorn an exclufive right to keep
ftage carriages on the public road from the river Sufquehanna to the river Patow-
mack, and continued to him, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, by an act
paffed November feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled, A Supple-
ment to an act, entitled, An act to grant to Gabriel Peterfon Vanhorn an exclu-
five right to keep ftage carriages on the public road from the river Sufquehanna
to the river Patowmack, until the firft day of February, feventeen hundred and
ninety-four, fhall be and is hereby given, granted and continued, unto the faid
Gabriel Peterfon Vanhorn, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, until the firft
day of Auguft, in the year of our Lord feventeen hundred and ninety-four; and
alfo, that the fole and exclufive permiffion, privilege and right, given and granted
to Robert Hodgfon and James Thompfon, and the furvivor of them, their execu-
tors, adminiftrators and affigns, by an act paffed November feffion, feventeen
hundred and ninety, fhall be and is hereby given, granted and continued, to the
faid Robert Hodgfon, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, until the faid firft
day of Auguft, feventeen hundred and ninety-four, and every provifion, claufe,
matter and thing, in the faid acts contained, fhall continue and remain in full
force, and be equally effectual to. all intents and purpofes, until the faid firft day
of Auguft, feventeen hundred and ninety-four, as if the faid exclufive privilege
and right had been, originally by the faid acts given and granted until the
faid firft day of Auguft, feventeen hundred and ninety-four.