L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
the treafurers of the refpective fhores for an accurate ftatement of all the arrear-
ages and balances due from fuch collectors, and fuch account fhall be furnifhed
by the faid treafurers accordingly.
Of all ba-
lances on o-
pen account,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all balances due to the ftate on open account; and the faid agent
fhall have power to require payment of, and if neceffary to fue for the fame; and
the faid agent, with the approbation of the governor and council, may make
compofition with any fuch debtors, and take bonds to the ftate, with fufficient
fecurity, and give time for payment, not exceeding four years from the firft day
of December, feventeen hundred and ninety-two, always requiring annual pay-
ments of the intereft, and equal annual payments of the principal.
And all mo-
nies due for
duties, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all monies due to the ftate for duties, fines, penalties, forfeitures and
amerciaments, and forfeited recognizances, and for ordinary, retailers and mar-
riage licences, and to require payment, and (if neceffary) fue for the fame; and
the faid agent may allow for infolvencies, and credit any money that the party is
not chargeable with by law; and for his information of the law he may take the
advice of the attorney-general in writing.
Notice to be
given of fales,
V. And be it enacted, That whenever there fhall be occafion to expofe to pub-
lic fale the property of any collector, or his fecurities, by virtue of any execution
already iffued, or to be directed for this purpofe, the agent fhall caufe public no-
tice to be given of fuch fale, and fhall attend the fame, and if it fhall appear
that there is danger of lofing any part of the debt due to the ftate, and not other-
wile, fhall purchafe any property fo expofed for the ufe of the ftate, in payment,
or part payment, as the cafe may be, of the arrearages due by the collectors
whofe property may be fo purchafed; and any property fo purchafed for the ufe-
of the ftate, the faid agent may again expofe to public auction on the moft
advantageous terms for the intereft of the ftate, and if the lame be fold on
credit, the laid agent fhall take bond, with good and fufficient fecurity, to be ap-
proved of by the treafurer of the weftern Ihore, from the feveral purchafers of
fuch property; and all bonds by him fo taken fhall be depofited, with an accu-
rate lift thereof fubfcribed by him, into the treafury of the weftern fhore, and
fhall be a lien upon the real property of fuch purchafers and their fecurities from
their refpective dates.
Agent to dif-
pofe of confif-
cated proper-
ty, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall have power to difpofe of all
confifcated Britifh property that remains unfold, and take bonds to the ftate, with
fufficient fecurity, and give time for payment, not exceeding four years from the
firft day of December, feventeen hundred and ninety-two, always requiring an-
nual payment of the intereft, and equal annual payments of the principal.
VII. And, whereas there are ftill fome balances due to this ftate upon fales of
confifcated property unbonded for, and it appears to this general affembly that in
fome cafes the purchafers are unable to make payment, and the property is be-
And may re-
leafe pur-
chafers, &c.
coming daily of lefs value, Be it enacted, That the faid agent, with the appro-
bation of the governor and council, be authorifed to releafe any of the faid pur-
chafers who are unable to pay, from their purchafes, and take back the property
for the ufe of the ftate; and the faid agent, with the approbation of the governor
and council, may make compofition with the faid purchafers for the ufe of the faid
property, and take bonds for the fame to the ftate, with fufficient fecurity, and
give time for payment, not exceeding four years from the firft day of December,
feventeen hundred and ninety-two, always requiring annual payment of the in-
tereft, and equal annual payments of the principal; and any property taken back
the faid agent lhall difpofe of in the fame manner as he is before authorifed to
difpofe of confifcated Britifh property unfold, and to take bonds in the fame man-
ner for the purchafe money, and on the fame credit and terms; provided, that in
no cafe fhall the ftate refund any part of the principal or intereft paid by fuch