THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
and may be lawful, and the infpector is hereby empowered and directed, to pafs
and brand any barrels made and fecured agreeably to the original act, and filled
with found and merchantable beef, pork or fifh, to wit: Beef and fifh barrels to
be twenty-eight inches the length of the ftave, feventeen inches diameter the
head, and twenty-one inches the bilge diameter from out to out; all pork bar-
rels to be twenty-eight inches long, feventeen inches and one half of an inch
diameter the head, and twenty-one inches and one half of an inch bilge diame-
ter from out to out, the crofe to be cut not more than an inch and a quarter from
the top of the ftave, or lefs than one inch and one eighth of an inch, the ftaves
to be an half of an inch thick, and may be made out of any well feafoned tim-
ber, fufficient to hold pickle (pine and cyprefs excepted) and the hoop to be one
inch diameter at the fmall end, any thing in former laws to the contrary notwith-
ftanding: Provided, that nothing in this act fhall have effect on any fifh barrels
made before the firft day of October, feventeen hundred and ninety-three.
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That no perfon or perfons fhall purchafe or fell, or
offer to purchafe or fell, in the town of Baltimore, or precincts thereof, any cafk
or barrel of falted pork, beef or fim, not previoufly infpected, examined and
branded, under the penalty of fifty fhillings current money for every barrel fo
fold or offered for fale, or purchafed, within the town and precincts aforefaid;
which faid penalty to be recovered and applied as directed in the original act.
No perfon to
purchafe un-
beef, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That any perfon or perfons, bringing hay to Balti-
more-town aforefaid by land or water for fale, fhall, before he offers the fame for
fale, have the fame weighed by fome one of the licenfed weighers of hay for the
faid town, under the penalty of twenty fhillings current money; and any per-
fon or perfons, who fhall bring hay by land or water to faid town for fale, fhall
have the fame weighed free and clear of all rubbifh, ftones or wood, under the pe-
nalty of three pounds current money; which penalties are to be recovered as
other fmall debts before a fingle magiftrate, and to be applied to the ufe of the
faid town.
Hay to be
weighed, &c.
A Further fupplement to an act refpecting the fettlers on the re-
ferved lands weftward of Fort Cumberland.
Paffed De-
cember 23.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That a further time
be allowed for payment for the lands valued to fettlers weftward of Fort
Cumberland; and the faid fettlers may make payment of the balances by
them now due, as follows, to wit: One third part of the faid balance on or be-
fore the firft day of May next, one other third part thereof on or before the firft
day of May, feventeen hundred and ninety-four, and the remaining third part on
or before the firft day of May, feventeen hundred and ninety-five; provided, that
nothing in this act contained fhall be conftrued to affect the rights of any other
perfon or perfons, acquired fince the firft day of May laft, to any of the faid lots ;
and provided alfo, that any perfon or perfons who have already, or may hereafter,
proclamate any of the faid lots, fhall pay fuch compofition money thereon as the
original fettlers were to pay for the fame.
Further time
allowed, &c.
An ACT to appoint an agent for the year one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-three.
Paffed De-
cember 33.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Randolph Brandt
Latimer be agent of this ftate, to execute the truft and power repofed in
him by virtue of this act, from the firft day of January, one thoufand fe-
ven hundred and ninety-three, until the firft day of January, one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-four.
An agent ap-
pointed, &c.
II. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fuperintend the colloction of all ar-
rearages and balances due from the feveral colledors of the refpective counties
within this ftate, appointed fince the firft day of January, feventeen hundred and
eighty-three; and the faid agent is hereby authorifed and required to call upon
Who fhall fu-
perintend the
collection of
all arrearages,