the same to the commanding officer of the regiment.
The same regulations shall be observed by every com-
manding officer of a company on the subsequent en-
rollment of any person therein, unless such person
shall produce a certificate of his having been before
drawn for the above purpose, in which case he shall be
enrolled according to his draught; and it shall be the
duty of every commanding officer of a company, to give
any person removing out of his company limits, a dis-
charge, certifying the class wherein he was arranged,
and whether he had performed his tour of duty or not,
and also the time and date of such service; which said
certificate the said militiaman shall produce to the com-
manding officer of the company into whose limits he
shall so have removed, within ten days after his remo-
val; and such officer is hereby instructed to enrol him
in the numerical class mentioned in such certificate;
and every militiaman so removing, and failing to pro-
duce the certificate as aforesaid, shall be enrolled in the
class destined to perform the next tour of duty; and it
shall be the duty of every commanding officer of a com-
pany, upon application, to grant such certificate to eve-
ry militiaman so removing, under the penalty of twen-
ty dollars, to be recovered by the person applying for
the same, in the same manner that small debts are now
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor,
by and with the advice of the council, for the accom-
modation and support of the militia at any time to be
called forth, may appoint such commissaries and such
staff officers as shall seem proper, and shall have full
power to adopt such measures as he may deem neces-
sary for the transporting and issuing all supplies and
orders requisite; and whenever any calls are made
upon the militia, the same shall be made upon the
commanding officers of divisions, who shall immediate-
ly take measures for detaching the same, with the ne-
cessary number and ranks of officers, by detail, and
according to a regular. rotation of duty.
of staff officers
—-calls on the
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of an
insurrection or threatened insurrection within, or in-
vasion or threatened invasion of any part of the state,
major general, brigadier general, or a commanding
officer of a regiment or battalion, extra battalion; or
squadron, shall have full power to order out the militia,
or any part thereof, belonging to their respective dis-
tricts, where the insurrection or threatened invasion
may be or is expected to take place; and it shall be the
duty of any such officer to give notice of such insur-