or failure to comply with the said requisition, then it
shall and may be lawful for the said person, or his
executors or administrators, to whom the said bond
was executed, to sue immediately on the said bond,
and to distress for the rent for which the same was
given, in the same manner as lie, she or they might or
could have done before the passage of this act.
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if after the end
of the next session of the general assembly of Mary-
land, the tenant or tenants, or any person claiming by,
through or under him, her or them, shall hold and occu-
py the lands or tenements, for the rent due for the occu-
pation whereof bond hath been given as aforesaid^
that then and in that case the landlord or landlords,
his, her or their executors or administrators, may pro-
ceed to distress for the same in the manner that he, she
or they might or could have done before the passage of
this act.
Justices' fees.
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the following
fees shall be allowed to each of the said justices for ser-
vices performed under this act: for taking bond,
twelve and a half cents; for issuing summon, six cents;
for supersedeas, twelve and a half cents; for every
certificate, six cents.
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no attorney
shall be entitled to collect by execution any fee or fees
now due, or that may hereafter become due, during the
continuance of this act: Provided, The same shall be
superceded in the same manner that judgments and
decrees are to be superceded by this act
Passed May
29, 1813.
An act providing for the calling out and detaching the
Militia of this state, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, great obstacles to the public defence,
and much inconvenience to the citizens of this state, a-
rise from the want of uniformity in the manner of order-
ing into service the militia of this state, and from a de-
ficiency in forcing their attendance, when so ordered:
Companies to
be divided into
ten divisions-
tours of duty,
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the
commanding officers of companies, to proceed imme-
diately to divide their companies into divisions, by lot,
from one to ten, for the purpose of an equal routine of
duty; and when ordered into actual service he shall
begin with the first, and so on in succession, and to re-
turn a roster of each division, and its number to the
commanding officer of his battalion, who shall transmit