Shore, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise
appropriated, a sum not exceeding one hundred thou-
sand dollars.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said sum,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be ap-
plied by the governor in discharge of the claims arising
from, and expences incurred in consequence of the
service of that portion of the militia of the state which
have already been called into service by virtue of the
sixth section of the act entitled, "An act to regulate
and discipline the militia of this state, " passed at Nov-
ember session, eighteen hundred and eleven, or by the
orders of the commander in chief of the militia of this
How to be ap-
3. AND BE IT. ENACTED, That the militia
which have been called into service, shall receive, un-
der this act, the same pay and rations as the troops in
the service of the United States are now entitled to re-
Pay & rations.
An act for the benefit and relief of William Harri-
son (of James, ) of Talbot County.
Passed May
29, 1813.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assem-
bly, by the petition of William Harrison (of James, )
and Henry Colston, of Talbot county, that they have
been engaged in contract with a certain Samuel Col-
ston, late of Dorchester county, deceased, for the pur-
chase and sale of several tracts of land, to wit: a tract
of land called, "Tootle's Venture, " supposed to con-
tain two hundred and twenty acres, one-fourth part of
which the said Samuel Colston held in right of his wife,
and the other three-fourths by actual purchase; that the
whole of said land called "Tootle's Venture" was bar-
gained and sold to William Harrison (of James, ) who
has complied with his contract, but in consequence of
the sudden and unexpected death of the said Samuel
Colston and his wife, no deed of conveyance has been
made. It is also represented by Henry Colston, that he
contracted with the said Samuel Colston to convey to
the said Catharine Colston, the wife of the said Samuel,
and her heirs, forever, a certain tract of land called
"Pilgrimage, " containing one hundred and fifty acres,
more or less, in lieu of the right of the said Catharine
Colston to the one-fourth part of the said tract of land
called "Tootle's Venture; "which said land the said
Henry Colston is ready and willing to convey in fee-
simple unto the only heir and legal representative of