Maryland (1930 Edition), title "St. Mary's County", sub-title
"County Commissioners", as said sections were amended by Chap-
ter 259 of the Acts of 1953, changing the dates as to the prepara-
tion of the county budget and the tax levy.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 51, 52 (a) and 53 of Article 19 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "St. Mary's County",
sub-title "County Commissioners", as said sections were amended
by Chapter 259 of the Acts of 1953, be and they are hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
51. Every county agency shall submit to the County Commis-
sioners of St. Mary's County on or before [October 15] February 1
in each year a detailed and itemized estimate of the amounts to be
required for the operation of such agency during the ensuing fiscal
year, classified in such form and containing such other information
as the County Commissioners shall require from time to time. Such
estimate shall be submitted under the oath of the official in charge
of such agency that such estimate and the matters and facts con-
tained therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, in-
formation and belief. Whenever referred to in this Act, "county
agency" shall include the Board of County Commissioner and any
officer, department, commission, board, bureau or other agency of
the county and any institution receiving any appropriation from
county funds.
52. (a) Before [November 1st] February 15, in each year, the
County Commissioners shall prepare a proposed budget containing
the items enumerated hereinbelow:
'53. (a) In each year the County Commissioners, prior to adoption
of the budget, shall, after public notice, hold a public hearing on the
proposed budget. Public notice of the time and place of said hearing
shall be given by publication once a week for two successive weeks
in two newspapers! of different political faith of general circulation
in St. Mary's County. From [November 1] February 15 to [Decem-
ber 15] April 1 in each year, at least three or more copies of such
proposed budget shall be available for public inspection at the office
of the County Commissioners during all regular business hours.
(b) During the period from [November 1st] February 15 to [De-
cember 15] April 1 in each year, the County Commissioners of St.
Mary's County are hereby authorized and empowered to revise the
proposed budget and any part thereof by increasing, decreasing,
eliminating or adding items provided that there shall be no consoli-
dation of items in such manner as to reduce the detailed statement
of the appropriations. They shall further be authorized to revise the
schedule of anticipated receipts) and estimated rates for general and
special taxes and assessments in such manner as they may deem
necessary. Not later than [December 15] April 1 in each year, or on
the first day thereafter, if [December 15] April 1 be a legal holiday,
the County Commissioners of St. Mary's County shall by a majority
vote adopt the final budget, schedule of anticipated receipts, fix gen-
eral and special tax rates, and impose the levy for the ensuing fiscal
year. Such levy together with any surplus county funds and all
other revenues from all other sources as shown by the schedule of
anticipated receipts, must be sufficient to cover the total appropria-
tions in the budget. The final budget, schedule of anticipated receipts